Devil's Knot is the riveting story surrounding the brutal murder of three eight-year-old boys in May of 1993, in an area of West Memphis known as Robin Hood Hills.
In the weeks following the Police Investigation, three teenagers--Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley were arrested in connection with the murders. This arrest was based on a convoluted confession from Jessie Miskelly, who, as was later determined, bordered on being mentally retarded. Misskelley was tried separately and given Life without Parole. Jason Baldwin, tried together with Damien Echols, was sentenced to Life without Parole, and Echols--the only one of the three to testify--received the death penalty.
While there was very little, if any, circumstantial evidence linking the boys to the murders, prosecutors argued that the teenagers were members of a Satanic cult. In the years since the convictions, new evidence has surfaced arguing the innocence of the teenagers. Devil's Knot promises to explore all aspects of the case, in search not only of the truth but also of the apparent pit-falls and prejudices that lurk in our Justice system today.