Partying with my friends, esp the London gals (biddle and jadey i miss your sexy asses!) love films, going to the cinema, meals out, reading, gym (obsessed with it all of a sudden)! like to shake my ass on the dancefloor when i go out - surely that's exercise enough guys? come on!!!Would totally love to go off somewhere travelling after i graduate in may, really want to go to Thailand and do it properly this time maybe a summer working back in ibiza? who knows, then ideally a good job in my favourite place right now...lovely London, I MISS ISLINGTON!!!Other than all that (was that boring as hell to read! lol) - I simply love to party go and out and drink a little bit..can u tell from my photos?
Mostly people who make me giggle, I love to laugh, I have to be around people that make me happy and when I laugh i'm all the time!!!!Everyone! But Britney has to be top - she's hot Ryan Reynolds, justin Timberlake, Josh Hartnett, Brad I have to go on? Not a rhetorical question!!!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
All I have to list them?
THE NOTEBOOK - a girls dream! soooo romantic - i wanna be that in love with my husband, whoever he may be.... Other than that all the usuals (everything), Shawshank redemption, just married, bad boys, training day, top gun, bridget jones, edward scissorhands, dirty dancing, matrix, lord of the rings, sin city, blair witch project, truman show, Go, the island, notting hill, about a boy, romeo and juliet the list goes on and on and on and on and on...
Friends, friends, friends man - 'when were you under me?'
lots, i love to read but don't get enough chance, esp now at uni again - and tv kinda takes over sometimes!!! keep with it zoe!! I'm trying to read the Historian!! good so far!!!
All my friends and people close to me...they inspire me...people inspire me...