Myspace Layouts by
Myspace Layouts by
plaYinG bADMinTon.,suRfiNg the Net.,cHattiNg wiTh FrIends.,eAtiNg.,sLeePing.,=)
thoSe wu vaLue lyF and GOD.,knOws hOw to be StronG.,inTereSting PeoPLe.,liKe ME! hapPy PersOn.,JoLLy.,fuLlL oF LiFe.,nIce.,FriEndly.,
r&B.,acoustic.,melLow SonGs,.im SorI to gUys.,i riLy cnT appReciate rock sonGs., =) peaCe ouT!
a WaLk to ReMemBer (my FavOritE!).,SeRendiPitY.,
well.,ano buh?! uhmm..un na..haha.,na unsa gud ko.,im inlove ryt n0w! aftEr ke X..let's rejOice!!haha., naa pa d i sa vocabuLary q ang mainloVe.., but amazingly,lis0d au ang ctuation pero i think it's bETTER..miss yah guys! its aw founDer's weEk..chada Au! muaahh
Da Vinci Code.,chicken soup..
c jUrjAni perhAps..haha.,he wAs der during the lonliest moMent..haha.,well anyweiz.,naa na q hir..c CATWOMAN waaaaaahhh., nop..hehe.,criously, its Rj..niaks!