bOo!!!! yOu bOrEd eYy??!
ReaD... HiT mE uP!!!
% %D%AIt is nice that you have actually turned to this profile... my profile . Maybe its unusual to browse and skip thru the net to find out something new. Perhaps its a new component for you to enter. For me, this opens up a new opportunity to present a simple but an extraordinary existence. Ill take you with me and we will both cross the threshold of a new facet. Set aside your hesitations and reservations. Ill make sure that Ill make your life thrilling and elating. Just a sort of reminder, some parts are brought about by lay on the line real life events. Do some safety measures. I request you to pack up some fortitude, confidence and appreciation with you as we go along. In a few seconds, a new form will about to unfold.
What are the right things to say or put in a "PROFILE"? Should it say how good I am? Or how much good-looking I am? Should it contain the phrases.. "CERTIFIED CUTE" or "SUPER COOL" or "SUPER BAIT" or even the "BEST".
Why do we always say these things? Or why would you "SUCK UP" to a person you barely even know? Admit it or not, but half of the population on our account are people that we hardly know. I mean i do! But then, in order to be a friend, one must extend and reach to the other.So what should I put on my "PROFILE"? Is it "thank you for visiting my page."? Or "I am just an ordinary teenager.. crazy, freaky and nice!" Well, I have no idea. All i know is this..
%D%A%D%A"My life is like an open bar. People are like customers that come and go. Sometimes they stay for a couple of hours and have a drink but eventually leave without even leaving a tip. i can never force them to stay forever.. but i do hope you'd come in and enjoy your stay!" %D%A
%D%AI remain,
%D%A RaiNieR
AbOuT mE..
mE, MaHseLf, anD I..
Name: Rainier Gem (Last Name is Gokongwei.. lolz)
Age: 19 y.o.
Sex: Male
Location: Obrerowoods
Email: [email protected]
Favorite color: black
Favorite music: house music..
Hobbies: myspacin' all day
%Dddictions: long walks, MYSPACE, snickers almonds
Likes: food trip
Dislikes: durian.. (the fruit) but i like processed durian foods..