Walking on water, chilling on clouds, you know, Jesus stuffRacecar beds are soo cool! The Pope can't be as cool as me, but hey, he's still the Pope!DDR OWNS YOUR LIFE!!
Sonic The Hedgechog.. people have been begging us to duke it out for AGES!! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are so kickass!
from first to last,a7x some of this and some of that. like your face. ..
Passion of the Christ, but my personal favorites are 2 Fast 2 Furious and White Chicks
Ehh, TV is okay but Bible hour bores me.. they don't know what they're talking about!! I like music much better than watching TV.
The Bible, Wacky Wednesday Horton Hears a Who, A Million Little Pieces, anything interesting..
I'm going to have to go with Dane Cook,Captain Underpants, the box car children, Carlos Mencia on this one.a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank" PACMAN'S EVIL TWIN BROTHER MUA HA HA!!I guess the pope is still cool, right? Haha.