Sport...All sport. But mainly Basketall and Badminton. But football, cricket, rugby, hockey, golf, volleyball, swimming, and all other sports too. Anything technical, like lighting rigs (for concerts n stuff) Drama. The Bible and Christianity. Gadgets and Gizmos. Playing Guitar. Art. Photography. Video Editing, love video stuff!
people! . . . lots of kiff people.
Ok Go: Here it goes again
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Anything that inspires me to spontaneously dance!
Yes, movies. Movies are good.
Yes, television is a regular interest of mine.
Not often! But have read a few, Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, Wild at Heart, Honest to God, Five Love Languages, Who will You be the Day after Yesterday, Boy meets Girl(very goooood), Captivating (Ladies read this!), The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader's Day, The Bible.
Jesus, Esther and my grandfather (aaaaaaah)thebandwithnoname at Nantwich - Gathering on Tour
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