Happy Fathers Day 2 Our Friends! profile picture

Happy Fathers Day 2 Our Friends!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My ex.,Terrell's popsThe last white tee my lil son wore in this lyfe @ the murder scene. Rest In Paradise & by my side, Son.
Doobie wearing it for big cuzzo Rell..u c it!
Queen Liliuokalani was a queen whom loved her people so much that she sacrificed her country, her freedom & her throne for them, so that no hawaiian blood would be spilled should there had been a revolution. In 1893, Queen Lydia Liliuokalani was deposed in a coup organised by Stanford Dole, an American pineapple magnate, and supported by US marines. Five years later the islands were annexed. The Queen yielded her throne, under protest, in order to avoid bloodshed, trusting that the United States government would right the wrong that had been done to her and the Hawaiian people. It never happened other then an apology passed by Congress and signed by President William J. Clinton November 23, 1993, on paper. Sugar and a coerced constitution played roles in the drama -- intertwined themes of economics and politics. Sugar was by far the principal support of the Islands, and profits and prosperity hinged on favorable treaties with the United States, Hawaiian sugar's chief market, creating powerful economic ties. As the Islands' sugar industry grew, large numbers of contract laborers were imported first from China, then from Japan, the Phillipines and other countries, to work on the plantations -- the beginning of Hawai..i's present multicultural population. Plantation ownership and control of the business community were in the hands of men of American or European blood. Most were the grandson's & relatives of the very missionaries earlier natives embraced & welcomed onto the islands. They went thru great lengths to exterminate the Hawaiian race but the Queen raced back from her trip to England, which she was tricked into taking to seperate her from her people. On her way to meet the Queen of England on invitation they put her in the back of the train w/ slaves due to the color of her skin & features, regardless of the fact that she was royalty. She was shocked & appalled after meeting & speaking w/ African slaves for the very first time which raised great concerns for her own people back on the islands. This caused her to return early. Unfortunately by the time she returned almost 2000 Hawaiian men & young boys had already been tricked into boarding ships w/ the promise of jobs on U.S soil. All were assumed dumped at sea. The ships return w/ out one Hawaiian & never made it to American soil. The Queen was devastated. This flag represents the great sufferings, humilation, injustice, murder, racism & manipulation bestowed upon our Queen & Hawaiian ancestors. It is a continous reminder & an insult to the Hawaiian people whom are Hawaiian by blood. A short time later, the queen had no choice but to surrender Hawai..i's sovereignty not to the revolutionaries but to the "superior force of the United States of America" -- temporarily, she believed -- confident that the American government would restore her to the throne. Lili..uokalani wrote to Cleveland requesting redress, and young Princess Ka..iulani went to Washington to appeal for the monarchy and the Hawaiian nation, impressing the president and all who met her with her beauty and dignity. President Cleveland sent to Honolulu special commissioner James H. Blount, former chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Blount's job was to investigate the circumstances of the revolution, the role Minister Stevens and American troops played in it, and to determine the feelings of the people of Hawai..i toward the provisional government. He ordered the troops back to their ship and the American flag taken down and replaced by the Hawaiian flag. Blount's final report charged that Stevens conspired in the overthrow of the monarchy, which would not have taken place without the landing of U.S. troops. Blount recommended restoring the queen. Based on Blount's findings, President Cleveland decided that, in the name of justice, he would do everything in his power to reinstate the queen, provided she would grant amnesty to those who had overthrown her government. The idealistic Cleveland, in assuming the provisional government would willingly relinquish power to her at his request, misjudged the character and tenacity of her adversaries. The new American minister in Hawai..i, Albert Willis, expressed to the queen the president's regret that the unauthorized intervention of the United States had caused her to surrender her sovereignty, and his hope that the wrong done to her and her people might be redressed. Willis told her the president's condition for reinstating her on the throne was that she grant full amnesty. Lili..uokalani replied that according to Hawaiian law, the punishment for treason was death, but that she would be satisfied with banishing them from the kingdom forever. Later, she agreed to accede to the president's wishes. Willis next went to Sanford Dole and the provisional government, assuring them of the queen's amnesty. Speaking for President Cleveland, Willis acknowledged the wrong committed by the United States in the revolution and requested them to resign power and restore the queen. The answer, of course, was no. They repudiated the right of the American president to interfere in their domestic affairs and said that if the American forces illegally assisted the revolution, the provisional government was not responsible. On Dec. 18, 1893, President Cleveland made an eloquent speech to Congress on the Hawaiian situation. He had harsh words for the landing of American troops at the revolutionaries' request. He ended his speech by stating, "... if a feeble but friendly state is in danger of being robbed of its independence and its sovereignty by a misuse of the name and power of the United States, the United States cannot fail to vindicate its honor and its sense of justice by an earnest effort to make all possible reparation. President Cleveland concluded by placing the matter in the hands of Congress. In the end, Congress took no action either to restore the monarchy or to annex Hawai..i. On July 4, 1894, Sanford Dole announced the inauguration of the Republic of Hawai..i, and declared himself president. Unwilling to give up, many Hawaiians and other royalists accumulated arms for a counterrevolution to restore the monarchy. In the January 1895 uprising, led by Robert Wilcox, the royalists were forced by government troops to retreat into the valleys behind Honolulu, and after 10 days of fighting, most of them, including Wilcox, were captured. The republic's prize catch was Queen Lili..uokalani. A search revealed a cache of arms buried in the flower garden of her home. She was arrested Jan. 16, 1895, exactly two years from the date the American troops landed in support of the revolution. Imprisoned in a corner room on the second story of ..Iolani Palace, she was guarded day and night, allowed only one attendant and no visitors Shortly after she was imprisoned, Lili..uokalani was given a .. of abdication to sign and was led to believe that, if she refused, several of her followers were to be shot for treason. She wrote, "For myself, I would have chosen death rather than to have signed it; but it was represented to me that by my signing this paper all the persons who had been arrested, all my people now in trouble by reason of their love and loyalty toward me, would be immediately released ... the stream of blood ready to flow unless it was stayed by my pen." Grover Cleveland wrote: "I am ashamed of the whole affair." Sovereignty of Hawai..i was formally transferred to the United States at ceremonies at ..Iolani Palace on Aug. 12, 1898. Sanford Dole spoke as the newly appointed governor of the Territory of Hawai..i. The Hawaiian anthem, ''Hawai..i Pono ..I" -- with words written by King Kalakaua -- was played as the Hawaiian flag was lowered, and replaced by the American flag and "The Star-Spangled Banner." The Hawaiian people had lost their land, their monarchy and now their independence. Another loss came the following year, with the death of the beautiful young Princess. Ka'iulani, heir to the Hawaiian throne, at age 23. Liliuokalani remained an indomitable spirit, honored and revered by her people as a queen to the end. She died in 1917, at the age of 79, still waiting for justice. The observance of the centennial of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, ..Iolani Palace, draped in the black of mourning, was a powerful symbol. We are still seeking justice through legal means reparations, a fulfillment of trust commitments, settlement of land claims and the return of lands. We are, moreover, seeking recognition of Hawaiian sovereignty. Native Hawaiians should decide how we choose to structure sovereignty -- as a nation-within-a-nation, complete independence, or some other model. It is no longer a distant dream, but an attainable goal. 50,000 people have registered with the Office of Hawaiian Affairs under a program established in 2004 to draw together Native Hawaiians from around the world. The agency's goal is to register at least 118,000 Hawaiians to give the nascent [emerging] government credibility. There are about 400,000 people of Hawaiian ancestry nationwide, and 260,000 of them live in Hawaii. Anyone with a drop of Hawaiian blood may register
..Free my 4 eva friend & big brother Hadori from tha SHU, Pelican BayHadori sent me this, how sweet! Can't take pics in the SHU so he had to use an old one. R.I.P to his son Lil HadoriFree boo boo (Razor aka Wembe) from the SHU, Pelican Bay

My Interests

In Memory of my teenage son. I miss my baby!(above)My handsome grandson (below)
My daughtermy daughterFact or Fiction?My boyfriend and I had been dating for over three years, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my BOYFRIEND? He was a dream! There was only one thing bothering me, very much indeed, and that one thing was his younger brother. My prospective brother-in-law was a very handsome male... twenty years of age, wore stylish retro outfits, Hanes muscle shirts, had a dream body, and would regularly bend down when near me to see if he could get a pleasant view of my underwear or my breasts with a smile. It had to be deliberate. He never did it when he was near anyone else. One day little brother called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. He was alone when I arrived. He whispered to me that soon I was to be married, and he had feelings and desires for me that he couldn..'t overcome and didn't really want to overcome. He told me that he wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to his brother. I was in total shock and couldn..'t say a word. He said, .."I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want to go ahead with it just come up and get me..." I was stunned. I was frozen in shock as I watched him go up the stairs. When he reached the top he pulled down his boxers and threw them down the stairs at me. I stood there for a moment in complete shock, then turned and went straight to the front door. I opened the door and stepped out of the house. I walked straight towards my car. My future mother-in-law was standing outside. With tears in her eyes she hugged me and said, .."We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn..'t ask for a better woman for our son. Welcome to the family Heiress. ..."The moral of this story is:..."Always keep your condoms in your car..."... of course it's fiction!Sheba, our pet bearded dragon. This is my baby I had bought for Rell 2,3 yrs ago when I had to put his iguana to sleep, but I got stuck babysitting this lizard too *sigh*. Beardies have the most amazing personalities & like dogs, do the goofiest things for attention! She loves running around the house & doesn't go into attack mode b/c she got alot of love & food, lol. Now she's family :)Isn't she cute! This is how she ended up w/ a My Space, a bet between my son & I on who could get more friends first in a month, lol

Neices n God daughter..below

CheK out Marquez video all(below) This crazy nut was walkin down tha street talking to himself in tha video, LMAO =) hez so crazyO tryna make a cum bak wit hez blak eyeawww...look at lil Ruben, one of my best friend's lil sons. My lil son use to worry to death about himBABY STINK n BABY PEANUTS!!

I'd like to meet:

Who'd I'd Like to Meet..hmmm I don't want to meet anyone right now b/c I have goals to accomplish n stayin straight focused..I do want to meet our governor cuz I wanna know whats up w/ all these prisons he's building when he needs to focus on education n jobs!I also wanna meet the idiots who wasted our $$(tax payers)to rename E 14 to International Blvd, Hamilton jr High to Calvin Simmons (who the f--k is Calvin Simmons?!) & also changed tha Nimitz freeway to I 880, etc when this is how its been in the town for 20 generations =

...and I'd like ta meet that wonderful millionaire who gives away hunnits in N.Y every Xmas :)


Celebrating Terrell's Life- da hoodiez r 4 u son! We Miss U!The Funeral

Sheba has grown alot since & now has a thick, big healthy tail b/c she eats like a piggie. That's how to tell if a lizard is healthy, the thickness in da beginning of their tail. She's getting awfully big & heavy & she "doesn't" like her tank to be organized. She's a Bearded Dragon & eats crickets, meal worms, greens, sweet potatoes, mango, papaya & vanilla ice cream. All the boys on our street & my son brought home iguanas one day but ours had to be put 2 sleep being it wasn't taken care of right & it got sick. I felt bad b/c my son had told me what it needed but I refused to invest in that lil scary looking thing, lol. I wouldn't even touch a reptile bac then but now i luv all of them, even snakes. Anyways, I felt so bad when his lil pet had 2 b put 2 sleep that I let the reptile shop talk me into getting him a baby beardie..which turned out to be Sheba. He got into sum trouble, went to juvie (da hall) & guess who got stuck caring for Sheba! Turned out I picked the right one, Sheba had one hellva personality & did sum crazy things that use to have us laughing! Sum beardies jus lay there all day & do nothing. My son came home demanding ownership of his pet bac until he realized how much it took to take care of her. This is how Lil Sheba became a part of our family & my pet! Below are photos of her & her 'gecko' patna, MoneyMan. He doesn't take very good photos b/c he blends in w/ all his different colored spots but I just added some orange sand in her tank & will be tanking more pics. MoneyMan was being neglected b/c his owner divides all his time between his new girlfriend & 2 jobs..so I moved him into Sheba's tank & I think he thinks Sheba's his mom cuz he hitches rides on her back like baby dragons do, lol. When we first got Sheba she was no bigger then half of MoneyMan's tail. Now he looks like a lil midget next to her **smile**ME at COSMOPOLITIAN CHURCH IN EAST OAK. Free Mumia protest in S.FBack in the days in Kailua fighting for freedomMaui's Finest! I LOVE MY MOMMY, TinyON MY WAY TO MY PSYCH. CLASSC.JTerrell a.k.a Ope & his cousin DoobiePele


"Tracks in the sand prove the existence of a traveler, a new born baby proves the existence of a mother. So a sky full of stars, a world full of mountains and seas, does this not prove the existence of the One, the all Powerful creator."