catch as catch cant profile picture

catch as catch cant

get your death on!

About Me

My Interests

different cities/traveling, people, music, galaga/pacman, sleeping, art, ink, procrastination, noise, energy drinks.

I'd like to meet:


ED GEIN, raised fist, Primus, since by man, blink182, lords, at-the-drive-in, get serious, hot cross, the plot to blow up the eiffel tower, death from above 1979, hatebreed, simon & garfunkel, les claypool, glassjaw, modest mouse, we wish you harm, an albatross, horse the band, the bloodhound gang, the locust, no knife, muse, psyopus, the dillinger escape plan, botch, beastie boys, carry on, nora, soul coughing, black eyes, snot, livin', brand new, etc.


The Ugly,
The Salton Sea,
The Fountain,
kiss kiss bang bang,
Little Miss Sunshine,
murder ball,
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra,
The Rules of Attraction,
Very Bad Things,
L.A. Confidential,
from Dusk til Dawn,
American Psycho,
True Romance,
Igby Goes Down,
Bringing out the Dead,
In the mouth of madness,
Evil Dead 2:dead by dawn,
Requiem For A Dream,
The Legend of Ron Jeremy,
Fight Club,
4 Rooms,
Natural Born Killers,
Reservoir Dogs,
Lock,Stock,and 2 smoking barrells,
Dead man on Campus,
Almost Famous,
boogie nights,
Sin City,
Poolhall Junkies,
They Live,
The Big Lebowski,
Cemetary Man,
About Shmidt,
the man who wasn't there,
the graduate,
a history of violence,
28 days later,
can't hardly wait,
Orange County,
a simple plan,
total recall,
an officer and a gentleman,
Death Race 2000.
and more... ..


"Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other."
-Ann Landers

"Television is the triumph of machine over people."
-Fred Allen (1894 - 1956).



THE DAVIL. The Office, Stella, Wonder Showzen, Mythbusters, The Colbert Report, Robot Chicken, Greg The Bunny, Entourage, The West Wing, 24.


V.A.L.I.S. -Philip K. Dick
a scanner darkly -Philip K. Dick,
1001 movies you must see before you die (revised edition),
Death:a history of man's obsessions and fears,
Envy -Joseph Epstein
The Complete Star Wars Trilogy scrapbook.


Paul Fussell, Philip K.Dick, Wes Borland, Christopher Arp, Bruce Cambell, Tom Savini, Steve Buscemi, Brandon DiCamello, Larry LaLonde, Bruce Willis, Les Claypool, Daryl Palumbo, Woody Allen, Ron Jarzombeck, Ed Gein (the band, not the serial killer), Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Trey Parker, Henry Rollins, and occasionally myself.

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My Blog

hot chocolate

I woke up with the taste of blood in my mouth,and an aweful feeling in the pit of my stomache:things are never gonna be this good again.messages sent back and forthconfirming thoughts I've had before,...
Posted by catch as catch cant on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:46:00 PST

ray beam (water)

furious but contenthold it all in,I of places(carved out of wood)looking so goodI want it to be,I want to be there..I wish it existedbut nothing (I long) does....
Posted by catch as catch cant on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 12:26:00 PST


I can'tdo this anymore.head is an empty ink cartridge,past is dried up and over-produced.recycled memories spoken in different tongueslying to get courtesy compliments that don't mean a thing.forget i...
Posted by catch as catch cant on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 12:22:00 PST

decadence: incline

water is pushing forthdying one day at a timeall my life (I'll do fine).thinking of past chances lost, & regrets,dread and nostalgic anguish flooding my thoughtsover and out(my head and of my mind...
Posted by catch as catch cant on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 12:24:00 PST

this is not good

It's been days now.has it?yeah.oh my god, I didn't even notice.I'll waste your life away sitting here..wait a minute, ..who am I talking to?
Posted by catch as catch cant on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:50:00 PST


can't gatherdo it nowfuck, I don't wannatoo good to do sono shitthe early bird wastes timepilotthumbnails and bloodfor fuckssakecumdicks in the riverwrinkled old mantearing love from your handsget on ...
Posted by catch as catch cant on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:47:00 PST

Jonathan Waste

so easily it comes outso quick to run awaylike Euros falling from my handso brief this time we spend.don't look back unless you know what you're looking atHollywood death is not the same.nor is steali...
Posted by catch as catch cant on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:33:00 PST

"rude language."

slippery when wet:the lens looks both waysthen lies.mutiny, a bump in the road.a puddle you stop to adore...your life.the things that used to berustpick your mouths carefullyyou've only got two.a mira...
Posted by catch as catch cant on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:14:00 PST

"...and that name is Death"

Hook me in,I visit you under a different namethe world is not yourselectric shock VS. green scales you hidebehind closed doors:lecherous, treacherous,and now you hand shakes not once:I'm the pi...
Posted by catch as catch cant on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 01:02:00 PST

the chaos in your bed

If its true that sitting still and slowly dying are the same, we need to move,lets move away to antartica,can we be frozen and still have a soul?these are the questions that remain in my mind,the pict...
Posted by catch as catch cant on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 02:21:00 PST