About Me
My name is Iori Yagami, from the Yagami clan. I was born and raised to kill Kyo Kusanagi. I first entered the King of
Fighters tournament in 1995. I went there with the hopes of killing Kyo.
I was force into a team during this tournament. I teamed up with Billy Kane and Eiji Kisaragi. After finding out that Kyo
was missing from the line-up, I went looking for him.
I found him fighting a man named Rugal, who had tried to use the power of the Orochi. The fool thought he could
control the Flame of the Orochi; little did he know that only those of the blood line can control such power! He didn't
have a chance!
The next year, I was teamed up with two women: Vice and Mature. Before they teamed up with me, however, they
forced me to fight them. I only agreed to this idea to get my hands on Kyo.
That year I got the chance to fight Kyo, but we were evenly matched. The match eventually ended with a draw, but I
didn't care. I had to kill Kusanagi! While I was about to lay the final blow, a person named Chizuru Kagura stopped
me and said I had to work with Kusanagi! The nerve! After saying all of this, she disappeared with Kusanagi...
Needless to say, I was upset and tore apart the entire building the tournament was being held in.
After that, I went looking for Kusanagi. When I found him, I felt something strange. Even before I could act, I was
blown away by a strong gust of wind, knocking me out. When I woke up, I found Kusanagi fighting the man who had
killed Rugal. Without choice, I joined forces with Kusanagi to attack the man known as Geonitz. After all, I'm the only
one who is to kill Kyo Kusanagi.
Kyo and I eventually defeated Geonitz with a double crimson attack with Vice and Mature, who were working for
Geonitz until they betrayed him to allow me to live, watching. While he was dying, Geonitz cursed me and my Orochi
blood. I started to feel sick and started throwing up blood. I don't remember much after that, but I was later told that I
slashed and mauled both of my teammates to death.
For the next year, I suffered multiple bouts of what the "curse" Geonitz put on me, know as "The Riot of Blood". I
killed a few people that I can't remember. I found out later that I had been entered the King of Fighters tournament of
1997, but as a single entry. I was sure it was that Chizuru. I was positive that I would finally kill Kusanagi this time!
Must to my unhappiness, I was take over by The Riot of Blood again and went on a rampage, killing many. Since
Orochi himself was involved in this tournament, I was given a lot more power and the Riot lasted long. Luckily, I
suppose, I was eventually subdued by fighters from the tournament, once again, I passed out.
As I was unconscious, I was told by my ancestors that I was to help Kusanagi fight Orochi. If I would do this, I would
remove the shame and dishonor of my Yagami name and cleanse my blood of the curse. As I awoke, I walked
mindlessly towards the place where Orochi was to be awakened in his true form. I found Kusanagi and Chizuru there.
I told them of what was to happen, and mentioned that it was ironic that after so much war, we were to fight together.
Kusanagi and I fought Orochi as our clans have over 1800 years ago. Unfortunately, Orochi started to control me
using my cursed Orochi blood. I finally was able to overcome it and refused to be defeated! I grabbed Orochi and
paralyzed him with my flames as Kusanagi delivered the final blow. This blow also made me loose consciousness for
some time.
After I awakened, I noticed Kyo was nowhere around. After searching for some time, I found that no one knew where
Kyo had gone. Some suggested that he had died in that battle, but I knew better than that. Kyo is much to strong, and
if I had survived, he surely had as well. While I searched, I found a secret laboratory where a horrible thing was
happening- Kyo was being cloned! I destroyed every one of the Kyo clones and vowed that the people responsible
for coming between Kyo and my revenge would be destroyed as easily as the soulless clones.
Quite shortly after destroying the laboratory, I caught wind of another King of Fighters tournament about to take place.
I watched the tournament closely without entering, hoping that the person responsible for the cloning might be there.
I found a hidden base of "NESTS", who were the ones responsible for the cones. However, this base was
I had heard many rumors about this organization, but nothing solid. Eventually I found that Kyo himself was out to stop
NESTS as well. I joined Kyo in the fight against them when I found that they were trying to kill Kyo. As I said before-
that's my destiny. Following Kusanagi's power, I found a hidden hideout in Southtown. When I arrived, I found Kyo
next to a dead body. I then demanded a fight. The fight ended in a draw and we parted not as rivals, but as worthy
I was approached some time late by a former agent of NESTS known as Seth. He asked me to join his team for the
next King of Fighters tournament. He also promised I would get a shot at Kusanagi if I joined. I did fight in that
tournament, but I ended up helping Kusanagi fight NESTS again. This time, a man named K', who was a clone of
Kyo, fought someone named Igniz, the CEO of NESTS. After K' and I defeated Igniz, I challenged Kyo to another
fight. My hopes were cut short because the space station started to lose orbit.
In 2003, I teamed up with Kusanagi and Chizuru at Chizuru's request. The only reason I agreed was because it
seemed that this tournament might be linked to Orochi. After fighting a powerful foe named Mukai, Ash Crimson -a
bastard and coward of a man- stole Chizuru's powers and killed her. He then asked me to serve him. I responded
with a fireball. Crimson disappeared with Kusanagi swearing revenge on him. With all of this I was left with the option
of forfeiting my powers, or losing my soul to the Or
In the next King of Fighters, I team up with Kusanagi and his apprentice, Shingo. I teamed up with them only so I
could fight Ash. During the fight, however, I am overcome with the Orochi powers and enter The Riot of Blood again.
I apparently attack Kusanagi and Shingo. Afterwards, Ash defeated me and stole my powers.
I got this for being Zero's 800th comment! It rocks!
I got this for being Kyoko's 3000th comment! SEXY!