MOTIVATOR - I love to motivate people. Motivation is the feelings inside that makes our hearts beat faster and slower! All of us have feelings and it's what keeps us going from day to day!Education - Graduated college with a degree in Business Administrations - concentration in Marketing/Business Management. Also have lots of background in Psychology (how you think) & Sociology (why you think)! I like to educate people on life's issues and perhaps help them get a better understanding for things that happen in life. Think about this folks - people are not born with knowledge...everything in life is learned either by observation or being told.PHYSICAL - I'm a very physical guy. I love to be competitive in sports! My favorite sports to either watch or play is football, hockey, basketball, beach volleyball, pool & darts! Physical is our 5 senses - TOUCH, TASTE, SMELL, HEARING, & SIGHT!If you'd like to chat with me, you can catch me on MSN ([email protected]) or yahoo messenger ([email protected])