A perfectly fit(mentally)random stranger.
Who can take me away to see a better day.
With imperfections waiting to be corrected.
Who makes a difference in the everyday life
of a typical outcast or total nerd/loser.
Who likes to take risks with me, and be
cautious at the same time, to not get caught.
Someone adventurous and hazardous.
Someone who can control themselves under the influence of Alcohol, not a Drug taker.
Who feels comfortable, definition...
[Being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed] Next to me.
Someone who respects my family and my heritage.
Who is willing to try something out of the ordinary.
Someone who likes the diversity of this world.
Spontaneous and random, crazy and calm
Someone to prove me WRONG .
from my beliefs of never finding my whole.
A random someone, who can be at ease with me.
Someone who wont have a hard time expressing themselves
infront of me with whatever is bothering them at the moment.
Someone in which our friendship is fed in equally
Someone who is the Ying to my Yang
The Cheese on my Nachos.