Cory profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I think people take this postion of myspace way too seriously! Everyone thinks they are special and they have a life story to tell about how they are special, or a survivor. A way how they made it in life better then someone else, when in the end, we are all just a bunch of insecure idiots, if we weren't we wouldn have a page on here bragging about ourselves, posing half naked in pictures and leaving funny comment just to get some self gratification from another insecure idiot. I have no idea if what I said makes sense, but I am really drunk so just go with it! What can I say about nothing? I'm your basic loser on the internet. I am the wingman. I am the guy your GF takes 1 for the team for. I'm the guy that you wake up to when you black out drunk. Girls always say "I don't care about looks, I just want a guy with a sense of humor", thats bullsh!t, if that was true I'd be getting laid like a motherfu(ka!!!! Living life in Hoboken, New JERSEY- Stand up Comic, I love telling cheap dick jokes to drunks at 1am on a Tueday night!! I wish I could grow that Long Island/Staten Island Mushroom haircut, for some reason that gets you hot ass, but my hair sucks! I have weird white guy hair where it just kinda grows out into a white mans afro. Besides that, I do what everyone else does, Hang out, party, work, relax, repeat.

My Interests

Comedy, besides that, I like what everyone else likes. Sleeping, Playstation, Going out with friends, and working. Told you I am a geek.

I'd like to meet:

The dude who talked my Dad into not buying condoms.

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I listen to anything as long as its a good song.

View my Music Playlist at


Swingers, MADE, Boiler Room, Anchor Man, PCU, Not Another Teen Movie, Office Space, BLOW. Any Comedy that doesn't have Ashton Kutcher in it...Sorry but I like to actually laugh when I watch a comedy.


Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, The Simpsons, Rescue Me, Over There


Guys that wear wife beaters to clubs, Long Island Tough Guys, the Staten Island Haircut with the fade all around the head so the dude looks like a mushroom head tool!! I like that guy too.