Music, Photography, Writing, Art, My Family and walking around in music shops till i get asked to leave unless I buy something. hahahahahaha
I would love to sit down with any one who played acoustic music. I have some favorite musicians that i would love to sit with and shoot the breeze and play. With some of the list of musicians .....i already have and loved every second of it.
And so the dream continues.....................
CURRENT MOON lunar phase
I have loved so many musicians and their styles its hard to know where to start. so here is a small list of my faves..................... Beatles, James Taylor, Jackson Browne, Cat Stevens, Boston, David Wilcox, David Lindley (god i could be here all day) I love playing acoustic music and how it is so portable and gets out there to be shared with lots of folks. Leo Kotke and the list goes on .............hahahahaha IF YOU WANT TO HEAR SAMPLES CLICK HERE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK MOONDANI gLeNn
My all time fave movies are Lawrence of Arabia, Oh Brother Where Art Thou and The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.
Hate television , because its always depressing to watch and fills you full of fear.
I have just written one called LAWRENCE OF ARKANSAS, let me know if you would like a copy.............regards Glenn
So many and not enough room in here to fill all that I would wont you to know that I liked, but my wife and my sons are top of the list.