I like to try to get out and try new things and meet new people.
I would like to meet the president, and find out why we are still in the war. That country is going to have to learn to stand up for it's self at sometime or another. We as Texans have lost over 70 of our good men to a war that should have ended after they killed there leader. What we should have done is recuit there people into our US Army and let them defend there own country. I dont hate those people. I am sure that they are very good people, but we shouldnt have lost our great men and women to a fight that should have ended. I am not political, i am simply stating my opinion.
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I pretty much like all music as long as it has a beat to it. I dont like that hard rap stuff mostly if i cant understand the words.
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My Hero is my mother. She worked 3 jobs to support 4 kids and all the bills just so she didnt have to ask for help. She is a strong woman who knows what she wants and never gives up. She has faught through abuse and never stopped until she found her TRUE love. I love her for that.
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