Demented AntOn profile picture

Demented AntOn

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

The CricketSoda Myspace Editor! %D%A%D%A%D%A.. ...%D%Aunfortunately My soul was traped in this bOdy of a demented DoLl..and now i am forced to walk this this forever.... pEoPLe Th!nk that im QUIte .. But im REalY noT.. im LOud aNd Very NO!sy...i have a vEry open MInD ..ill trY aNYThing.once..i realy dn't lYk PeOLpe Who are naRrOw minded.people who think that evry thing should be "normal" n "proper"..thats bull aSP!R!ng FaSHion DEs!GNER.. sTriving so hard to make it..i express my self through fashion.. I lIKe TO deS!gn anD DreSSuP in W!eRd FaSHIOnaBLe.. OutF!Ts.. i get mY inspiration from the japanese people.i make bAgs made Of rEcyCled shit...i will Wear wat EVer i waNT.. i realy dnt give a fuck wat people think of mY designs.... i live and breath oBssd with aNYTHinG japaNEse (FooD, clothes, aNd cUlture) I loVE PIERCINGS..body modification... i LOve cHillin with my FrieNDs... Parties,gimicks.Inuman..*getting DruNk*.. miss u guYS..

My Interests

FaSHIOn! fAShION! i love clothes n i like to wear wierD japY insaPIRED cLOthES, cOlorFul SoCKS , SLOuCh SoCKS,Des!Gning CLoTHES, , , i loVe PiNK,BLACK*goThic*, n ReD, tumambay W?th FR!Ends, FoREver CHUX..

I'd like to meet:

blah blah.%D%A%D%[email protected]


rock in general electro pop industrial electronica dance anything i feel like listening to


MOMENTOmOr!,WH!sHINg Stairs, charlies angel..underworld.spd2, resident EVil, residEnt evil apocalypse... kill biLl(GOGO!!!!),40 days 40 nigths..matrix..scary films..(scry japy films) jawbreaker, autumn in new york,dawn of the dead..SWEETEST THING!!!


SExNdaCiTY.., SmaLLvILle..TOm WELLIng...heheh iNVAder Sim..SiMple life.. paris .*Bow DOWn*..; file LoOk For lESs.. invader lamu.chobits....daria..project runway


invisible monsters


patricia fields...