Friends, Laughter, Travel, Music, Shopping, Handbags, Shoes, Heels, MAC, Media, TV, Radio, My guitar, Singing, Poetry, Massages, Rain when your indoors, Sunshine when your outdoors, the sea, Dancing, Comedy, People who make me giggle, Talking too much, Sugary Waffles, Strawberries, Ice Cream, Fizzy Cola bottles, Lion cubs, Lilies, Rainbows,Yoga, Dreams, Sun flowers, cuddly toys, Art, Malibu, Pina Colada’s, Parties, the colour Red, Meeting new people….Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
So this is an impossible task listing my fav music as I like all kinds of everything, different here are one or twenty that are on my ipod at the mo... Black Eyed Peas,The Strokes,Faith Hill, Artic Monkeys,Nelly,Lauren Hill, Gwen Stefani ,Mary J. Blige, Blondie, Cyndi Lauper,2Pac,Jodeci, Pink,Desree, Ella Fitzgerald,Nina Simone,Clannad, Eagles,A-ha,Eric Clapton, Radiohead, Eva Cassidy,Dionne Warwick,Billie Holliday,Toni Braxton, Savage Garden, Aretha Franklin, the list goes on.....
So not big on Chick Flicks but love comedy anything that will make you giggle, Laughter is the best medicine don't you know....
Comedy,comedy,comedy...Black books and the like,oh yeah am a sucker for the aul'soaps too...