This page was started as a way to get PB residents and the people who enjoy visiting PB excited about what we consider to be one of the greatest days of the year, THE PACIFIC BEACH BLOCK PARTY. Unfortunately, as many of you know we have all but lost the Block Party for the year do to legislation that we at this site feel fell intentionally under the radar of the residents of Pacific Beach.
Please keep the emails coming though to help The Pacific Beach Community Foundation(PB Block Party Organizers for 30 years) with their case for the appeal and to help them with their fight. Email them a short letter telling them YOUR NAME, YOUR ADDRESS, AND YOUR REASON FOR SUPPORTING THE PB STREET FAIR.
Email all letters to:
[email protected]While running this site and spearheading the effort to save the block party we were approached by countless bands, djs, clothing companies, and all types of cool cats offering to help by contributing their services. So for now we have decided to try to honor those folks by offering to help promote great events either taking place in PB or being put on by PB based companies. So please pay attention, these are your friends and neighbors and they've got something to tell you, sell you, and teach you. And more often than not they are offering a hell of a kick ass time!
I get alot of questions about the Block Party and its status for 2007.
We've been trying to help the PB Foundation with all their efforts. (they are the group that ran the block party for 30 years! Also is another very active group trying to fight for our rights in PB. So joining them and support their causes is a very important step to helping out the fight on such issues as keeping Alcohol Legal on the Beahes, keeping our beaches clean, and other such issues.
So please join and also
Join the PB Town Council so when we vote on issues that matter to our community, when can have OUR voice be heard. Not the voice of OLD PEOPLE who have nothing better to do than complain.
As I get any new info on block party I will pass it along, but overall this is a Community page. So if you have ANY IDEAS for ways to Unite the Community and get more people active in the fight to keep our rights in PB, please contact US and we will help you bring your ideas to life.