- z Y i E - profile picture

- z Y i E -

I am here for Friends

About Me

I’m a very simple type of person.
I’m typically tame and naïve.
I don’t smoke…
I don’t drink...
I’ve never been drunk in my whole life…
I pray 24/7…
I’m studious, diligent and painstaking…
I’m loving, I’m kind, I’m sympathetic, I’m compassionate, I’m trendy!
I am everything!!
Well, I forgot to say…
I’m the most renowned, eminent and reputed liar the world has ever known…
(beat that?!?!)
Well, try to comprehend the other side of me and you’ll find out that I’m a freak!! At times, I tend to be deafening, earsplitting and thunderous!! Huh, who could be louder?? (si shane!) Even so, I’m an affectionate and loving friend… especially when “RH” (what-not who-cud that be?) is around..
hMmM.. iVe aLwAys waNted tO beLonG.. ive aLwYs waNted tO fiNd sOmeoNe wHom i cAn sHare mY dRms aNd aGoNieS... hMm.. bUt i guEsS tiMe riLi cHanGes eVryThnG..eVen oUr sTandpoiNt.. nOW.. wHat i wAnt iS to simPLy tAg aLonG mY dReAms [cArEer wiSe].. i wAnt tO acComPLisH sOmethNg i cAn bRag aBt in tHE fUturE..
tHeRE! maRs, tHis iS fOR yOu! i nEver sAid tHat beFore hUh.. LoLz!

My Interests

MovIes | iNterNEt | bLoGs | bUks | stUfFEd bAbiEs anD aNiMaLs | pLayinG wiD kiDs aNd bAbiEs | LiGht bLue anD wHite| gOiNg oUt wiD fRnDs | mY bAby cYanNe | bLah bLah..

I'd like to meet:

i wanna meet the stars in the universe.. i wanna meet the moon that revolves around the earth.. i wanna meet the One who created me... i wanna meet the one who could destroy me.. i wanna meet the powerpuff gurls!!!!!


mAd LovE | id4 | tRoY | sWeet NoVeMbeR | aLien&pRedaTor | GruDge | ciTy oF aNgeLs | dEad pEopLe | eXoRciSt | FenG sHui | reSidEnt eViL | NatioNaL trEasUre | bLaDe | mEeT tHe fOckErS | cOnstaNtiNe | eLektRa | paCifiEr | kUngFuhStLe | eXorciSm ..


PpG aNd oL cArtOonY sHOwS | piMp maH riDe aNd mtV’s bEstS | uSed tO be a wRestLinG buFF!


TUesDays wiD mOrriE | rAnDoM aCts oF kiNdeSs| pEdagOgy oF tHe oPpreSsed | d viNci code | muRaLLa | ppG coMicS (dO tHey cOunT?)