JeSsE mARiE profile picture


Everythin' sucks but I'm doin' just fine!

About Me

FirSt ImpRessIoN... - SNOb - ShY (aS iF...) - QuIEt (yOU wiSh!)BUt hONesTLY...- aYm MaGULo - mAkULeT (LaLo nA wEn Im wiD mAh fwEnsHIp anD cUzns) - mAarTE (hEhE!) - VAiN - TaLkaTiVE bUT nOt nOsEy - a LiTtLe bIt cHiLdIsh - eAsY tO gEt aLoNg wItH - aStEeG - kIkaY - sOMetIMes bOyiSh - sOmetiMes gURLAsH - uSed To be A bAd gURL pErO noW gOOd nA... (kYA nGA usEd tO Eh! dUh VAh???) - gImiKerA - i CAn listEn To diFfeReNT kInd oF mUsiC exCepT cOuntRY! EewwwW! - i lOvE tO dANcE anD tO sIng aND LOvE dIn NiLA Ko pAReHo.. hEhE! - i LOve ANiMe anIMe - nDi kO paLasImbA bUt i beLiEve iN HIM.. - iM a GooD liStEnEr aNd aDvIcEr aS wELL.. - Im kNoWn fOr BeiNg LAzY... InaAmIn kO yAn! mAkAKaTuLog AkO kHit sObrAnG gULo nG rOoM kO! wAhaaHA! - FraNK - maY pAgkA mAtArAy - MaLdiTa - i HAtE rEAL lifE dRAmAS! As iN uNg oVeR sA eMoTe!!! - i FiNd iT aNnoyIng tO bE rUsheD - i rEaLLy HatE aiR hEAds aNd nArRow mInDEd pEoPLe, sA fEeLing ( basTA uN na Un!) sa PakiELamErO, aS In!!! kYA ayAw dIn nILa sA kIn... wAhaAhA! i HAtE tHeM! - nAadIk na nMan AkO sA chAt... HahAH! - sA tOToOnG bUhaY maLAkaS aKO mAnG-aSaR, GaLiNg lNG magDaLA kyA ndE haLAta! - uHm... anO pa Ba? yAn na LnG mUNa!

My Interests

music... dancing, singing, soundtripping. movies... sci-fi, thriller, horror, adventure, romantic and comedy(just okei). science... astronomy, pre-history, almost everything about science! clubbing, party, going out, shopping, chatting, meeting new people, ANIME!!! huwell, i have lots of interest... and i cant think of it all! nyahahahahah! ^_^

I'd like to meet:

whoever wants to meet me!


R&B, rap, puNk rOck, roCk, aNy genRE... excEpT couNtRy! i cAnT stAnD it!!!


i rEaLLy LikE sCi-Fi aNd HoRRor MovIes! I sUmTyMs waTcH rOmaNtIc ComEdY fILms anD LoTr aNd HarrY pOttEr tYpE Of mOvIes aRe fIne wItH me tOo.


sCieNCe/dIScovERy anD nATiOnAl gEogRApHic cHANnEL, carTooN neTwoRk (grIM adVEntuREs of BiLLy anD manDy) adULt swIm (anIMe) mTv, mOviE cHAnNeL... mAdaMi!!!


buTtErcUP oF poWeR pUfF giRls! ^_^

My Blog

tHIs is FoR gUrLS... OnlY!

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.- Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour.- Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you fromh...
Posted by JeSsE mARiE on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 07:10:00 PST