To grasp knowledge from who can teach and except what is not meant to be.
Shannon Larken,Neil Peart,John Bonzo Bonham,Chad Smith,Buddy Rich,Sully Erna,Mike Portony,AJ Pero(did hang with him @ Billy O's) Carter Buford,Joe Morello,Mike Jonson.Drum Cover of Aerials
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Godsmack,Tool,Cities, Distured, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Pantara, Velvet Revolver,Buckcherry,Metallica,Iggy Pop,Genocide,Cyborg, Black Flag, Dictators, Trapt,Megadeth,Rush,Led Zeppelin,it's endless.
Pulp Fiction, Good Fellas, Casino, Treasure of Siera Madra, White Heat, Devils Advocate, Kill Bill 1&2,Super Bad, The Hills have Eyes,almost any black&white.
Sopranos,Hockey(NJ Devils)Survivor Man, Man-V- Wild, How it's made, Build it bigger,other than that TV blows.
Ghost Rider: By Neil Peart,Any real books on drum technique,mechanical refrigeration,& Hustler.
My Dad,My Family, My Band Mates past and present.Anyone else that doesn't think there better than the next.