Fishing, softball, hell, anything to get me outside the house. Nearly every Saturday I spent a couple hours busting and stacking firewood with my neighbor just to get outside and enjoy it. Life is too short to be caged up inside all the time. I spend probably 1 to 2 hours a day in front of this damn computer screen, or playing video games, and thats enough. Occasionally I do go on an all night Socom binge, but hey....nobody's perfect.
Greg Graffin, lead singer of Bad Religion. Super intelligent man with a never ending vocabulary. Also, I'd like to meet Brett Favre, simply because he's been my favorite player for about 15 years now, and he's about the toughest S.O.B. in the league. Last but not least, I'd like to meet....WHOO!!! "The Nature Boy," Ric Flair, for no other reason than to thank him for all the years of entertainment. Whether I liked him or hated him, eventually I learned to love his antics, because they are the best thing going today......WHOO
Punk rock and Metal make the wheels that turn the universe spin. Although, I have been known to let loose, knock back a few beers, and revert back to my redneck side by cranking up some old school country music. Bad Religion, NOFX, Ozzy, Pantera, or The Misfits is what you'll find in my CD player any day of the week.
Anything funny!!! Strange Brew is a classic. The Stoned Age, Half Baked, The 40 Year Old Virgin, pretty much anything that is a comedy is something I'll watch. I also get in to rockumentary type flicks, where the band is followed on tour, and you get some behind the scenes junk and a little live performance here and there.
Monday Night Raw...American Idol....Law and Order S.V.U. RELIGOUSLY!!
"Something Wicked This Way Comes," by Ray Bradbury is my all time favorite book. All the innocence of youth mixed with a small twist of evil is just great. I've read it a couple times, and it gets even beter every time.
Only one...My Dad. One hell of a man. Went to work at 18 to help support his brothers and sister, as well as parents. Bagged groceries at Piggly Wiggly to help feed the family. Eventually started a business of his own, and became quite a successful man in the small town we are from. If I can ever achieve half of what he has, I will have led a fulfilling life.