Check me out on Ebay!
I am a native Californian living again in San Diego, California. I am a mother of one boy and three girls (all grown) and grandmother of three boys and four girls. I am thoroughly devoted to my family. I dabble in web design and currently am the owner of a web design and graphics business. My main work focuses on online sales in the area of imported condiments and men's bay rum from Dominica in the West Indies. California Antilles Trading I listen to dancehall and roots reggae and I am an avid Stargate SG1 fan. I am also a longtime Trekker. I collect Boris Vallejo paintings.
A nasheed (Islamic song) video about Eid (2 important holidays for Muslims)
Your results:
You are Jean-Luc Picard Jean-Luc Picard 70% Spock 65% Will Riker 60% Chekov 55% Uhura 50% Geordi LaForge 50% Worf 45% Beverly Crusher 45% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 45% James T. Kirk (Captain) 45% Data 44% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 40% Mr. Scott 30% Deanna Troi 15% Mr. Sulu 15% A lover of Shakespeare and other
fine literature. You have a decisive mind
and a firm hand in dealing with others.
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Who from History Are You?????
Eleanor of Aquitane
Eleanor was smart and had a love for learning. In fact her tomb has her holding a book. Her kids will be the coolest British kings in history.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Leanne Lou Crow Hillbilly Name Generator