kor profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

student of media studies. soon to be student of law.

My Interests

Theater acting ll classical poetry writing ll prose writing ll singing ll reading stuff when I fancy reading stuff ll singing ll art ll history (especially anything that means digging around sand and muddy earth)

I'd like to meet:

Everyone. Variety is good.


no specific genre... let's just say anything that catches my fancy becomes my favorite. but most of the time the songs i like have an alternative rock touch...


Interview With the Vampire ll Riding in Cars w/ Boys ll The Man In the Iron Mask ll Gladiator ll Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ll PaPogi (documentary) ll Cleopatra ll A Midsummer's Dream ll I Am Legend ll the Butterfly Effect ll Troy ll Helen of Troy


Ugly Betty ll Grey's Anatomy ll Desperate Housewives ll Friends ll Charmed


The Harry Potter Series ll the Vampire Chronicles ll The Phantom of the Opera ll The Iliad ll The Mayfair Witches ll Philosophy of Religion ll Ancient Egyptians ll non-fic especially encyclopedias and books about history (yup, I'm THAT weird...)


writers who are underpaid... journalists who risk all... ordinary people with exceptional bravery

My Blog

Weird Quiz

How Good are you at Certain Things? Name Age Favorite Color Nickname Sex - 92%Romance - 20%Self - Control - 83%Kissing - 65%Cuddling - 23%Kinkiness - 68% This QuickKwiz by KillianO - Taken 86757...
Posted by kor on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST