Swivel Foot is Jozi punk at it's electrified-best. They are a product of the city, they understand the city, and have come to hate it, accept it, love it and reject it.
They started out in 2002 as a three-piece punk band, which included Dave on bass and vocals, Jarryd on guitar and vocals and Donovan behind the kit. Inspired by heavy riffs and street punk sentiments they entered the Jozi punk scene, playing at local clubs and skate parks. By the end of 2004, the band had achieved a notable repertoire with their catchy hooks and sing-along-choruses. Their lyrics range from personal experiences to political issues which affect our daily lives. However, in the local scene, punks were growing tired of the generic sound that had become the standard for ZA punk rock, the scene needed a change and so did the members of Swivel Foot.
Upon returning from a year travelling around Europe and the UK, Swivel Foot re-entered ZA as a new band. The exposure they had attained abroad recast the foundations of their music. They honed their sound from the all too familiar generic punk to a style specific to their local influences. With that, an original sound was born, which incorporates their new found style and the energy of classic punk rock. Swivel Foot continue to question and re-invent punk rock norms that have become over-used and over-worked through the years.
They have recently added a new bassist, Eric, with former bassist Dave moving to second guitar, adding further diversity to their sound and filling out the vocals. Jarryd and Don remain on lead guitar and drums respectively.
They have been called many things in their time at the top. Many have denied the existence of such a band, but it is difficult to deny something of immense greatness. This is Swivel Foot, according to their fans: Awesome, arse-blowing, sweet-ass, I wouldn’t pay to watch them, they make me feel like dancing the night away, explosion, the ZA Clash, I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman, I saw them once, the sound was shit but they weren’t, I would pay to watch them again, those zombies were hassling me until the swivelfoot arrived and kicked some undead ass...
Swivel Foot are fast, fun, intellectual and the most catchy punk rockers around. A small dosage of Swivel Foot will keep you entertained and leave you a changed neanderthal - forever!
Here's to the Last Round......