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She was dark at the top of the stairs, and she called to me~

About Me

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But Not Forgotten
I think, no matter where you stray,
That I shall go with you a way
Though you may wander sweeter lands,
You will not soon forget my hands,
Nor yet the way I held my head,
Nor all the tremulous things I said.
You will still see me, small and white
And smiling, in the secret night,
And feel my arms about you when
The day comes fluttering back again.
I think, no matter where you be,
You'll hold me in your memory
And keep my image, there without me,
By telling later loves about me.

My Interests

Food, music, sex, movies, driving, travel, cleaning, websurfing, laughing, intensity in whatever form I find it, did I mention food? Spending time with friends/family, meeting new people and finding new adventures, yoga, biking, spinning, sweating :) all things Wiccan and Earthy, NY Yankees, tattoos, piercings, dark corners, Organic everything, Wolverine, haunting, Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs, teas,

I'd like to meet:

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Stevie Nicks!!, Fleetwood Mac, Ani DiFranco, Dave Matthews Band, Doors, PJ Harvey, Tori Amos, Patty Griffin, Kate Bush, Sinead o'Connor, Shelby Lynne, Willie Nelson, Tony Bennett, Bob Dylan, Sheryl Crow, ambient, Alanis Morissette, Pantera, Bahuaus and some Goth, Sabbath, Led Zep, recently fallen in love with The Dresden Dolls!!!! Regina Spektor


Witches of Eastwick, Moonstruck, The Green Mile, Casablanca, Gladiator, Dracula (w/Gary Oldman), Chocolat, O Brother Where Art Thou?, all of the Harry Potter's and Lord of the Rings, Young Frankenstein, Silence of the Lambs, The Godfather,


Sopranos!, CSI, X-Files, Monk, The Closer, NYPD Blue, Dinner for Five, Odd Couple, Columbo,


Mists of Avalon, Harry Potter, Wicked, most James Patterson and Stephen King, erotica, Da Vinci Code, Fight Club, Frankenstein (Kootnz series), Esquire magazine and In-Style mag...I'm a magazine whore. I love faery tale stories/books...anything about the other world and woods folke. Current Read: Brother Odd by Dean Kootnz


I don't think I have heroes...I have people who inspire me and motivate me to be better-kinder-stronger-smarter. I'm inspired by Lance Armstrong's athleticism (is that a word?), my Dad's spirit and generosity, my family's perserverance, my Mom and her mom...such strong kick-butt women, Stevie Nicks' music and words...that's more like it.

My Blog

Pure Bliss!

She's here!  We are in the purest, most intense state of bliss!  There is nothing but her in our world right now.  We'll be back in touch when our feet finally hit the ground. love ro a...
Posted by Ro on Sun, 11 May 2008 10:41:00 PST

The waiting is the hardest part

Hello out there! Still waiting on the bean to arrive. Tomorrow, I'll be 40 weeks.  The bun in this oven is officially baked!!  So when is it coming out????  :) We passed Grandpa Thomps...
Posted by Ro on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:53:00 PST

Its almost time

Its almost time for this little lima bean to be born. I can’t believe how quickly its all gone by and how Dana and I still have much to do.  Now that the last few weeks are here, I find mys...
Posted by Ro on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 03:05:00 PST

From our hearts to yours

Merry Yule everyone!!!  I hope this holiday season finds you all blessed and joyful.   The journey into the darkness with the passing Solstice forces us all to look forward to the victo...
Posted by Ro on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 09:57:00 PST

A Lima Bean

Long time no say things have been busy is an understatement.  The closing on the house came and went and Dana and I managed to move in with the help of Moms and Clay!  It was an ad...
Posted by Ro on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 10:00:00 PST

holy crap....

They accepted our offer.  (insert nervous laugh).  This is really happening and there are soo many things to do now, I'm not sure where to start.  I am not sleeping lately, more like ly...
Posted by Ro on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 05:21:00 PST

Welcome to Adulthood

WWWWHHHOOAAA!!!  We have just put a bid on a house.  A house that is soo flippin' f'n adorable I could just squeal with excitment.  Ok, maybe I am squealing with excitment.   ...
Posted by Ro on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 06:20:00 PST

over a year now

Its been over a year now, since Dana and I have been 'dating'.  I'm not sure what to say about it just that I'm amazed and time has flown by and here it is, a year later.  I can't recapture ...
Posted by Ro on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 07:34:00 PST

I'm baaacckk....

Hello World!   I'm back.  I'm back in many ways.  I was just house sitting for a few weeks.  The time flew by but I'm happy to be sleeping in my bed again.  I am going to...
Posted by Ro on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:19:00 PST

The power of blue

I used to be the kind of woman who would roll my eyes at labels and such.  It was not unusual to see me sporting a pair of jeans from KMart and god knows, Target is the bomb.  (I admit I hav...
Posted by Ro on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 02:53:00 PST