THERE WAS A TIME WHEN...no, sorry, that’s another story. let’s talk about THRASH!
After tons of rehearsing just in two (Filo (21 y.o.) on drums and Marra (24 y.o.) on guitar), different singers (like Guasco (100 y.o.?) from Cain) and bass players (like Tadzio (12 y.o.) from TEOTSY), the line up found an equilibrium with new forces Doner (18 y.o.) on bass (also an axeman for Mastic) and Pulce (29 y.o.) on vokals (also drumming for Thrash Brigade and Swiissh!).
They started fixxing the old songs (read "playing them faster and faster") and writing some news, and after few months and a dozen of shows they recorded the 16 traxxx cd that mighty Paolo’s SOA label from Rome decided to put out.
Musically the band developes the crossover thrash core style pushing the button on the core side, but adding some blastbeats here and there and some moshin’ (there’s written MOSHIN’ and NOT niumetalcore moshin’) parts helping us to forget not we’re in 2006 and no more in 1987
Lyrically, there’s a need of running away from classic punk hardcore cliches and metal horror splatter themes, trying to add a lot of humor to both serious themes as well as dumb jokes.
(22/08/2006)Actually, the band is workin on new material (and the first cd still has to be released!) which will se the daylight soon, on 7 inch vynil format, splitting with a foreigner band...whose name will be revealed soon. the label is still (or at least we hope so) SOA from Rome.
The new material is pushing a lil’ bit more on the THRASH side of the thrashcore coin, adding more speed and also some traditional brazilian tempos (WHAT???!!!???) (hell yeah, it’s all true.)
basically, the main idea behind the band is HAVING FUN, playing lots of shows anywhere, and meeting new exciting bands/people from all the world.
what else should we need?
(17/10/2007) FINALLY THE NEW 7 inch is OUT!!!
we made it, at last. STRESS TO DEATH RECORDS kicked out this new split with grindpunk masters COMRADES from Rome. GET IT NOW OR DIE!!!