If you're one of the people that actually care to chat, you can add Brodie's personal page here...
We really do luv and appreciate all of you, and in a perfect world we would go door to door delivering the copulation you all so deserve but who has that kind of time or stamina? But please, quit your bitchin'! As soon as we have some crap worth posting, you can rest assured... we will.
Until that dark day of cow patties from above... If you need something to pass the time, here are a few links to some of our friends, affiliates, and people who like to cuddle... So go show these spider monkeys some love! Just don't tell 'em we sent you, lest you want to be blocked or have charges brought up...
We so love Alyssa... you're the best hun!!
Show us some luv... any sign pics will be greatly appreciated and rewarded... somehow