I am dedicated to the exploration and study of the unknown. I am in seek of the truth about the mysteries of man and nature. I am most interested in archeology, astronomy, dinosaurs, aliens, ancient technology, dragons and other fabulous beasts, the origins of Greek mythology, prophecy, and the study of how these things apply to the Holy Bible and the actual truth of our history and our future.I am the MC and writer for a Rap group called Destiny Lab. I am passionate about making music with meaning and purpose and make music that I wish other people would make. My lyrics ask the listener life examining questions that demand answers.I enjoy witnessing to others about the love of God and using the self evidence behind God's design and creation as a tool to explain my beliefs. I make all types of art in all types of dimensions such as music, sculpture, drawing, and writing. I am always seeking new dimensions to work with and always in the creative mode.All of my inspiration comes from real raw natural organic life and the designs observed. I am a professional sculptor and special effects artist and specialize in making realistic collectable alien creatures. I collect unusual taxidermy and like inventing new products and prototypes based on the idea of bio-mimicry and the designs within nature.I also am getting into free-form organically inspired architecture and am in the process of making some round dome buildings from hybrid adobe.
Other people seeking the truth to the mysteries behind life and reality.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I love real rap music, the stuff that people made before there was such a word as hiphop. I do not listen to music that talks about nonsence and material things, which basically is most of the junk out there. I only listen to and make thought provoking, mind enhancing music.
The Bible, Creation magazine, The Kingship of self control, Anything by C.S. Lewis, The Purpose Driven Life, Any books on History and archeaology. Books on dinosaurs and the Creation and evolution debate. The lost book of Enoch, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Ancient Sumerian tablets, Art Forms in Nature, Spectrum fantasy art series, Kitbuilders and Amazing figure modeler magazine.
Jesus and my Parents