DJ Doc Fader profile picture

DJ Doc Fader

About Me

I got the name Doc Fader because I started off with a cheap mixer and didn't upgrade till I was 8 months into scratching, which which led me to take apart my fader every other day to clean and "doctor" it up to keep it working.
I spent half my childhood living in a trailer park in a small town in Idaho, and the other part living out in the country. I wish it did, but my distance from the city didn't really keep me out of trouble. I instead ended up seeking ways to be destructive and get in trouble.
I grew up in a Christian home, but rejected everything I learned in the church when I was about 10. I had a rough time as a 10 year old kid and had a tough journey through the public school system. I was known as a bully untill I got past my 8th grade year, but was still known for getting in trouble clear through high school. As a high schooler I realized that God had blessed me with intelligence when it comes to figuring things out, and ended up using those talents to get in trouble. At 16, and 17 I almost got myself put in juvy for computer related crimes.
At 18 I spent my first time in jail, and returned for a few over-nighters and short stays for theft, DUI, and a Probation Violation. For years, I believed the lies satan had been telling me and I spent 9 years trying to destroy myself because I believed I had no worth.
At 19 I was drinking and doing and selling drugs on a daily basis. I was affiliated with a lot of gangs through drug deals, but never became a part of one, which probably saved my life. An acquiaintance and dealer approached me one day in March of 2003 and asked if I wanted to go to work for him, and if I would have accepted it would have led me to prison, or to the grave. That night he asked me, I told him I would consider it, and tell him in the morning. That night I had made my decision and was going to give him a "Yes" the next morning. Little did I know, the next day, I would be in the hospital. I had been smoking crystal meth and weed for 6 days and I hadn't slept, ate, or drank anything other than alcohol while smoking 2-3 packs a day. I had set out to end my life, believing it's all I would ever be, and ended up nearly doing so. I overdosed and ended up in the hospital on March 23, 2003. I was 20 years old. On that day, i promised God that if he spared my life, I'd clean it up live it for him and I gave my life back to the Lord.
Since that time i've had a rocky climb out of that life, fighting with addictions and alcoholism, but have come out on top. I re-dedicated my life to Christ in May of 2006 when I got my ink, and i've never been happier since.
In the last 2 years, God's revealed my talents to me, and has shown me how to use them in non-destructive ways. To serve him, and honor him, by using those gifts to reveal the truth that this world has tried so hard to hide.
I've been a fan of hip hop all my life. In 2000 I started rhyming and making beats and soon after realized I was blessed with the talents of an artist. I started off with loops in Sonic Foundry's Acid and a year later ended up making my own loops in Fruity Loops. After dealing with a Meth addiction and alcoholism for years, I gave up on rhyming as the words that came out of my mouth didn't glorify God, but making beats will be with me forever.
I now make beats for Christian Artists for free as a part of my ministry, and will continue to do so unless otherwise directed by the Lord.
If you have any questions or want more info, feel free to send me a message or an email at [email protected]. Thanks!

My Interests


Member Since: 05/02/2007
Band Members: DJ Doc Fader
Influences: I don't pull my style from others, meaning I don't mimic or shadow any other artists. I create music that i hear in my mind, with ideas that are given to me by God, not music i hear elsewhere.

It's not about what i want for me, it's about what Christ wants to do THROUGH me!

Sounds Like: someone rifled through grandma's records and funked them up a bit.
Record Label: 19th Avenue Beats
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Closing up shop..

Yo, i'm closing up shop on Myspace. I havn't done anything with music since May or June, and honestly don't have much of a passion for music anymore, mostly due to personal experiences i've had in the...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Sep 2009 00:07:00 GMT

New Beat Policy

When i started making beats, i gave it to God. I gave Him my talent, my ability, my knowledge, my everthing, so that he could bless it, and i could do it for Him, and not for me. When I did that, God ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 12:13:00 GMT

Wedding Announcements/Invitations

For those of you interested in coming to the wedding, please message me your address so i can get them sent out this week.Thanks!Doc
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 11:17:00 GMT


This morning i woke up confused. I had a dream unlike any dream i've ever had before. There i was.. standing on a line drawn through the earth, as if there were 2 sides to choose. The sky was dark on ...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 23:21:00 GMT

My Apologies..

Vessel, Praf, Jonah, Genetix, Arkalogik, Man of War, Nem, AJ, and all my hip hop homies, i apologize for not being in contact recently. I've talked to you all in the last month or more about eith...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 06:52:00 GMT


Wow.. so things have been crazy lately. I moved about 3 weeks ago and i definitely am feeling the lack of energy! I'm pretty happy about the new job. I've got the same trainer at DirecTV that i had la...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 08:02:00 GMT

I feel so stupidd.. haha..

It's funny to me when i wonder if God is still guiding me, and then he does something that i don't even see coming just to re-assure me and be like "Oh yeah, i'm still in control".. I feel s...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 04:00:00 GMT

Tha DOC is moving to NAMPA!

Word, i'm conforming and moving to the N on the weekend of September 6th. I'm gonna be renting Jonah and Kristina's house and i start my new job at DirecTV on the 8th.Sorry for the lack of notice but ...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 18:05:00 GMT

Are you ready? Are YOU ready?
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 18:09:00 GMT

Possible Move

I've applied for some jobs up in Boise and there's a chance i will be moving to the N. I will keep everyone posted on what happens here in the next few days!Doc
Posted by on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 19:26:00 GMT