Its all in how you look at it........ |
I guess theres these things about everyone. Things that only the closet people may know about you. Im not talking secerts or anything like that. More simlar to personatily traits. Sort of who yo... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 07:19:00 PST |
What is love? |
Kay me being me i was thinking about some shit. Think about love this time. Thinking how do you really know if your truely in love with someone? I mean its sort of a weird emotoin. Theres no other emo... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 05:23:00 PST |
This is why i stay single....... |
Let you guys know whats going on with this one. I just got off the phone with my ex. She said a few things that made me hurt. So i started talking to a good friend about it. She knows who she is ... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 12:25:00 PST |
All liars beware, i know..... |
There are many kinds of liars, but the kind that is most common has to be "The Frequent Liar". Now to be considered a frequent lair there are a few certia. Have you ever heard the saying "Practice mak... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 10:57:00 PST |
To make a first inpression... |
When im out, I sometimes notice that we havnet yet over come stereo types just yet. I mean ive been catogries myself. People not getting to know me just cuz of the way i look. Not even to take the cha... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Sat, 13 May 2006 06:07:00 PST |
I just need to relax |
I just need to relax i guess. Figure things out. I dont know. It just feels as if im stuck in a runt. I cant get out of. I mean it seems to me that everything that happpens good in my life. Is de... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 05:51:00 PST |
I wear my heart on my sleeve |
I wear it proudly, not to be afaird to show all others. That inside and out im true.I really dont think thats the case with you.
I dont ask alot, I keep it simple. I know that I like y... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 09:17:00 PST |
Choices..... |
I hate choices. Im never good with them. It takes me forever to make my mind up. I dont know why, i wish it was easier for me. I guessin im just an indecive person. Wich i cant help.
So i guess the re... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 08:58:00 PST |
Just a thought.... |
So its 6:30 am, on tuesday morning. I gotta go to work at 10. So im just killing time till then. A few days back i was thinking to myslef. I thought we have 2 eyes, 2 hands 2 legs. Only one mouth tho.... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 06:36:00 PST |
Its all true..... |
Don't assume that guys won't care where you are, because we do.____________________________________________________It makes us feel SO secure to know that our girlfriends aren't off flirting with guys... Posted by EXCELLENCE on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 01:28:00 PST |