THESE COUGS GOT TALENT!! Me singing JOY FUL JOYFUL WIt the team!! I love my teamMy Best Friend
Jesus, Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder, Oprah, Nelly,<
Rand B and hip hop! I like that real music though not that fake singing and rappin about bling bling any body can do that. It has to have good quality lyrics and singing!
FUNNY movies, Love stories, and.................I dunno
The BIBLE DUH!!! Don't really read but uhhhhh if i did it would be PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE!! READ IT!
Mariah Carey...because people try to say nasty things abou t her but look at her now!Jesus....he is perfect in everywayPastor Tabron........he is the bomb!My DAD..........he always trys to get things done and......he does!