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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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My Interests

Drumming & Austrian Economics, here's a lil' video of the band I'm in

I'd like to meet:

See "Heros"


I'm too annal to keep this section up to date. I like whatever is playing for you right now.


My favorite genre is romantic comedy (more romantic than comedy). Here are my favorites in that category: Keeping the Faith, The Story of Us, Serendipity, Moulin Rouge (I know it isn't really a comedy, but Leguizamo is pretty damn funny), and Say Anything. As far as other types of movies go: Get Shorty, Face Off, A Love Song for Bobby Long, Cradle Will Rock, and High Fidelity (although I would have to say that About a Boy covers some far heavier material, perhaps making it better. But over all you can't go wrong with Nick Hornby) I like a tone of other movies too. Basically anything with Kevin Spacey, John Cusack, John Travolta (except that battlefield movie) Merill Streep (especially in The Hours), Sam Jackson (just kidding, he's an ok actor, but he's picked some really bad movies to be in), Dustin Hoffman, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Anthony Hoppkins, etc. etc. etc.


Arrested Development, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Scrubs, Smallville, Veronica Mars (and robot chicken from time to time)


I don't read a ton. but I did really like "Globalization and it's Discontents" by Stiglitz, "Wicked" by Maguire, "Love and Limerence" by Tennov, "Things Fall Apart" by Achebe, and "Killer Poker" by Vorhaus.


John Cusack,

Add to My Profile | More Videos Andrew Schawb, Terry Bozzio, Carter Beauford

My Blog

Apr 28th

Saturday one of my good friends got married. It was great and weird. Only weird because he is basically the first of my closer pre-college friends to get married. I am very happy for him and there ...
Posted by Vijay on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:42:00 PST

Nostagic for what I haven’t experienced

So I just finished watching The Namesake (instead of sleeping, which is what I should have been doing). Talk about feeling a bunch of who knows what!I swear the dad in that movie looks just like my d...
Posted by Vijay on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 12:32:00 PST

It is what it is

Does anyone reading this have any idea that what you are doing with your life is what you should be doing? Or even if you don't know for sure, do you at least have a peace about it? And even if you ...
Posted by Vijay on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:34:00 PST

Late night goodness

So the bane of my existence is this "natural" split keyboard that I'm typing on.  I think they were a big hit several years ago.  But as I can barely type fluidly on regular keyboards, this ...
Posted by Vijay on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 10:52:00 PST

And this is this

I can't write much, cuz I really need to do something productive in terms of work stuff (which is kinda why I'm writing this; to conjure up some internal drive).All the out of towners are gone. the d...
Posted by Vijay on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 05:54:00 PST

Well that’s that

So I just dropped off Isaac at O'Hare. Sad times. It was great having him around. And it's been great having everyone else in town. Originally I thought it would be fun to have everyone in town at the...
Posted by Vijay on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 02:59:00 PST

So. . .

I am home now, tow weeks and two states later. To be honest it doesn't feel like home. I think relati..home. And I don't really have much of a relationship with the walls at 5535 N. Artesian Ave. ...
Posted by Vijay on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 09:26:00 PST

Happy New Year

So I had the best New Years that I have ever had.  We played a show.  I hung out with some family.  And then hung out with a bunch of amazing friends.  There was more than enough c...
Posted by Vijay on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 09:47:00 PST

They call me Chicken Little

Foreward by Vijay:  Please read at least a moderate amount of toungue in cheekness into this. Well it's the end of Christmas 2007.  Almost the new year.  I was talking to my mom the oth...
Posted by Vijay on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 11:53:00 PST

end of the year blog about stuff I’m thinkin and I’m drunk

So I am drunk. But his is what I have been thinking ofr the past day. It has been a year. I was engaged a year ago, I think. And I live in Grand Rapids with my college friends. Now, the last time ...
Posted by Vijay on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:02:00 PST