%D%AGOD,nastradamus,my wife......%D%A%D%A %D%AI'm always serching for the truth. We're living in a world where lies,conspiracies,and fear are used to control the masses. World leaders are slowly but surely creating a New World Order where one government or "power" controls and keeps track of everyone. They are using subtle tactics to slowey acheive there goal. Take cell phones for example, because they are equiped with GPS technology the government can track everyone with a cell phone. They also are trying to intoduce the "Vera Chip" , which is a chip they planning on inserting into every citizen. People are voluntarily getting the chip implanted because they are being told that the chip can hold all of your medical history and if u should ever have to go to the hospital they can scan the chip wich is inserted somewhere under your skin and the doctors will have all of your information. But what they don't tell u is that the chip will also be another way to track your every loacation and it will also be able to have all of your financial information. This will eventually be the end of the tangable paper dollar and instead u will just get your chip scanned for every monetary transaction. This means not only will the government know where everyone is they will also know exactly how much money you have. People will no longer have any kind of privacy. For centuries the government have been using the fear and paranoya of the people to take away their rights. There are many examples in American history of this taking place. President Rosavelt passed an espiange act during WWII allowing the government to put innocent Japanese-Americans in prison camps because he led the nation to beleive it was necessary to lock all of them up because they might be spyng or insergents for Japan. 110,000 people were locked up and had their lives destroyed behind this. Decades later the government finally apologized to Japanese-Americans for what happened. Now, in present times, Bush has passed acts allowing the government to listen to any phone conversation they want to. His excuse is that its necessary to listen in on terrorist. There's got to be a way to go about it without taking away people's rights. This is a false war but the lives being lost are real. Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 as a matter of fact there is much evidence pointing the finging towards our own government, if u choose to find it. And how come the government also said that one of the main reasons we invaded iraq was to free the people of iraq? But what about the people of Sadan-Uganda? Rebels are raping their women and kidnapping their children and making them fight on the front lines for them. These kids are as young as 7 and 8 years old. How come we haven't helped these people out? Is it because they are african and don't have enough oil or natural resources for us to prosper? I could go on forever. But hopefully if u took the time to read this it opened your eyes and maybe planted a seed so that u too will try to find truth in the universe.Thanks for reading this and i'd also like to give a shout out to THE PROFESSIONAL 1 and my boy CARLOS who have knowingly or not helped me in my search. Get on our level HOE!!%D%A
The Last Dragon, Scarface, Boyz in da hood, Napolean Dynamite, Full Metal Jacket, Paid in Full, KILLA SEASON, State Property,40 year old virgin...too many to name......
Jesus. Christopher Reeves is still Superman to me...