~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen profile picture

~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Your Seduction Style: Siren / Rake
You possess an unbridled sensuality that appeals to many.
The minute you meet anyone, you can make the crave you almost immediately.
You give others the chance to lose control with you... spiraling into carnal bliss.
A dangerous lover, you both fascinate and scare those you attract. What Is Your Seduction Style?
There is soooooo much to know about me!!!I am moody...not just a tad bit moody either...I mean like REAL REAL moody.I am halarious to be around, or at least I guess that's why everyone is always laughing.I find the funny in everything, unless of course I am in a rotten mood. Then I am cynical and sarcastic, and can easily make you cry like a LITTLE BIZZIOTCH!!!...LOL.I am extremely intense in all that I do, in all that I think, in all that I say...whether it be good,bad or indifferent. What I mean by that, is that I am a very emotional person. I feel things (good or bad) to the UTMOST EXTREME. I sometimes feel sorry for those who are close to me in real life because I am probably the most emotionally high maintenanced individual you'll ever come across in your life.I absolutely love life. I embrace each challenge that comes my way.I live only in the moment,because the moment is truly all that I have, and nothing else really matters.Therefore,I try to relish it (the moment),and welcome the next.I "try" with all my little queen of a heart to remain optimistic,always looking for the brighter side, but sometimes (usually) I only find the darker one. :*(But along this journey of my life...I have discovered that sometimes that's just the way things happen.The stars do not always align in my favor,but if I try hard enoughI can manipulate them.Really...the ONLY important thing is that I feel comfortable being ME...because the greatest lesson to learn in life is to learn to love yourself. :-)~
Your Life Path Number is 1
Your purpose in life is to lead others.You have great drive and determination. Nothing is going to stand in your way. You seek out challenges and the spotlight. You'll take all the work - and all the glory. Status and success are important to you. You demand the best from everyone and everything.In love, you tend to take a protective role. You enjoy being the provider in relationships.You expect others to be like you, and as a result, you are often disappointed. A little selfish and vain, you always put yourself first. Remember, everyone already knows you're great - you don't need to remind them!What Is Your Life Path Number?/


Hey BIZZIOTCHES!!! I sometimes get freaking bored with myspace...so you should check out my profile at CafeMom!!!

My Interests

I have many many different interests.First and foremost, my children. They are my life. Every breath I breathe and everything I do is for the three of them.Cherishing those that I love is also another interest of mine, though with some of those people I love, I don't think sometimes I do a very good job at showing them. It is difficult for me, because of past experiences, to show love to anyone except for my children.Some of my other interests include; writing, of course. Without it I would probably die. It is the only way to disperse the intense emotions and feelings within my soul. I live to write, and write to live.I've beem writing since age 11, and have found it the most useful tool in finding out who I really am. Life is nothing but a journey for us all, and I believe that the work never ends. What is most important is that we find ourselves and be comfortable in our own skin. So far, it has not proven to be an easy task for me, but it's one that I continue because each small piece of knowledge and acceptance in self and in others that I find , is so very rewarding.Feel free to check out some of my work in my blogs if you'd like.I am currently working on the story of my life, which has turned out to be the most difficult thing I've EVER done.I also love to dance, I paint abstract art, I ponder everything, I think constantly, I dream big,I hope high, and do my very best to be the best I can possibly be...just for today.I cannot really elaberate on my "other" interests...so pay close attention to the pictures......oh yeah...and I forgot that one of my major interests is SHOES SHOES and more SHOES... :-)~YEAH YEAH YEAH... That's right people... I am a real live freaking......I also wish to rule the world someday!!! ;-)~ ...

I'd like to meet:

If there were one person I can say that I would like to meet...it DEFINATETLY WOULD BE GOD. I have already met the devil, and he is FUCKING BORING AS HELL!!! :)Seriously, I would like to meet people who are as diverse as me.Open minded people with many different interests and points of veiw.People that are real about life and not flakey or fake.People with passion.People who are as intense as me.People who do not settle.People who are always trying to improve their own existence.I'd like to meet people who are...
Hosted by Sparkle Tags...not so much just physically...but more so mentally.I could care less what a person looks like. It's not about that anymore for me.It's about the way a person MOVES me mentally, mostly with their words, because, to me...mental "hotness" is the "hottest" of all "hotnesses".Give me someone who can stimulate my mind any day...THAT'S what it's all about... :)


love all kinds of music...especially stuff I can dance to...not really so much country though...I love love love to dance...it is the one of those things i do that allows me to escape...it is truly as if I become one with the music...both in body and soul...I have a wide range in tastes of music...from classical to techno/trance...etc...but it totally depends on my mood as to what I choose to listen to...but for those who know me...they know that EVERYTHING ALWAYS depends on my mood...;-)~...


I like the kind of movies that make you think...the kind that leave you feeling as though you've been given some sort of message...i am kinda strange like that...i seek for the messege in everything......


ummm...what's a telivision?...I spend most of my time working or doing other things...I seldom get a chance to watch T.V. I am sooo NOT a couch potato, and want to smack people in the head with the remote who are!!!However, if I am "in the mood", I do sometiomes watch a 'lil bit. Usually that depends on whether or not I can be still long enough. I have been known to get up and leave the room right in the middle of a movie just because I cannot be still.When I do find something that I am totally into and totally interested in...the following ALWAYS seems to happen; SOMEONE ALWAYS TRIES TO TALK TO ME DURING THE SHOW!!!And I have this GREAT HUGE pet peeve. Actually, I have many, but this one is at the top, DO NOT TALK TO ME WHILE I AM TRYING TO WATCH A MOVIE...EVER!!! If the house is on fire, yes, tell me, but otherwise: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! DO YOU WANT TO MEET THE DEVIL???...TALK TO ME WHILE I AM TRYING TO WATCH A MOVIE...SHE COMES OUT I PROMISE! LOL ;-)~...


img src="http://xss.xss/xss.jpg" x=' The only book I am currently interested in is the one I am writing. I have read many many books in my lifetime. Very few have the ability to hold my interest. My favorite poet of all time is undoubtidly, Edgar Allan Poe. He just totally fucking ROCKED!!!


isn't it funny how your views change?... I think at the present time... I would have to say that... no one is my "hero"... I do... however... admire many many people... but I mostly admire those who have overcome difficulties in life... as well as those who remain positive through out it all... I admire people with patience... people with passion... people who never ever give up no matter what... people who choose to be survivors and not victims anymore... people who know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are whole without anything or anyone else...AND ON A DIFFERENT NOTE... Did i happen to mention...that...

Don't forget......... I truly am...IF YA LOVE ME THEN THANK YOU...IF YA HATE ME THEN FUCK YOU...

My Blog

Emptiness Echo Void

Emptiness Echo Void     Emptiness of lack of understanding Echo of words falling on deaf ears   Void of unsighted eyes       Each an exasperating memento of:   &...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 08:45:00 PST

Youre Dead

~You're Dead~     I often still despise you Memories you left behind The twisted reality Lingering in my mind     I some times still hear you Scarring words in my heart Ridicule,...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:04:00 PST

Just an update if anyone gives a hoot...

As you all, or most of you know, I've been EXTREMELY BUSY trying to earn extra money for very very fast approaching Holiday season. I'm just about done with two of the kids Christmas gifts, but a...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:25:00 PST


 I'm so excited about the new and beautiful items I currently have up for auction on ebay, that I could not resist posting a blog to pimp out my stuff. ;-)~ Christmas time is just around the...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 07:07:00 PST

I AM...

  I Am       I am& Arousing catastrophe Such a beautiful mess Rampant cyclone Nothing less       I am& Chillingly traumatic Such a radiant bliss Unbridled tempes...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 07:48:00 PST


DEADNESS     When the world weighs so profoundly  It is the deadness that calls out to her Almost as if it recognizes her by name   It plagues her foundation Menaces to unstitch E...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 09:46:00 PST

It Is Only You, And You Are Me

It Is Only You, And You Are Me     It is only you Who holds me down Embezzles my joy Tramples my crown     It is only you Who fractures my heart Imposes such tension Shredding qu...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 10:14:00 PST


I COME FROM AMONG THEM   I come from among them Worthlessness within their eyes Solidity in their countenance Desolateness driven into their spirit Void in their smile     Suffering, t...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:23:00 PST


What You Don't See What you don't see... Are the 200 times a day, I go to wipe a yucky nose, get slimed, and simply smile right back at the two-year-old culprit. What you don't see... Are the other 50...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:15:00 PST


Many things on my weary mind today. First off, I am sicker than a dog with some awful cold and congestion! I've been hacking my head off for days now, running a fever, etc. Being sick, though, is the ...
Posted by ~*~The Queen~*~ EBAY SELLER south*dakota*queen on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 11:01:00 PST