the pit profile picture

the pit

Harvard fucking sq.

About Me

I am a place. I am a part of your lives. I am a fond memory. I am a painful experience. I am screaming with rage at the rest of the world. I am much much more. You all know me and know who and what I am.
Made with the MyTheme myspace editor

Made with the MyTheme myspace editor

My Interests

Cheap beer, drugs, sex, whiskey, alcohol, wasting my youth, skipping class, stealing, graffiti, skating, punk rock, music, breaking stuff

I'd like to meet:





Brattle street theater, and the cinema on church street


I don't think we ever watched one in the pit


I think most of us can read.


Mr. Butch R.I.P. the tasty store 24 and everyone who ever worked there.