There is only one political party in the U.S., National Socialist. Wake up!
The federal reserve bank is privately owned by international stock holders. Like any corporation, the loyalty of it's board of directors lies to the shareholders. The economy is being imploded by design.
Global warming is caused by sun spot activity. A.K.A. solar radiation. The entire solar system warms and cools together. There are no SUVs on Mars.
We are being sucked dry by the international banking cartel via "bail outs", for the purpose of advancing the national socialist agenda. Starting October 1, the army will be starting "homeland tours" to combat civil unrest, etc. Marshal Law anyone?
I found this layout design on - check out their MySpace Layouts .
Recent 4: As I Lay Dying, Beautiful Monsters, Survivor, The Myth of Freedom
Lennon, Yogananda, Elliott Smith, Dr. Phillip Lucas, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche