candydagger profile picture


sharp and true......stab stab stab.......stab stab

About Me

Anarchist, activist, freegan, vegan, artist, musician, poet, seamstress, writer, reader, adventurer and explorer,firestaff dancer, always seeking truth and beauty amongst the ugliness and brutality inflicted upon all life, rejecting enslavement and authority at every turn possible and creating relevant positive alternatives-striving to be my own best example of the change i seek in the world.....

My Interests

social/political praxis,designing/de/constructing garments, writing poetry,composing music,photography,painting/drawing,acting,seeing bands,night biking,treasure hunting,doing/learning new things/growth,laughing till it hurts-and then some,above all else-freedom....

I'd like to meet:

interesting,creative,intelligent people who live with love,courage, and respect for those that have some... inquisitive natures and open minds are crucial...people with imagination and a sense of adventure...people who philosophise and analyse...people who are what they say they are and act on their perspectives...people who are comfortable with their own minds when alone, who know thier own and have the ability to be honest about it, people who look for constructive answers even amongst the destructive...people who understand what it means to live life with an open hand...


i listen to a diverse array of music...anything i can enjoy for lyrics or atmosphere or better yet, both....if it takes me away, makes me think, inspires, crushes me with its intensity,or evokes a desired mood......i don't tend to like commercial stuff, or wallpaper....


ummm, dont watch many...i like documentaries, and (some of that elusive) funny stuff


ewww...mind numbing atrophy inducing...bring me my axe!!!


oooh, mind expansion, indeed, feed my insatiable brain.....and lately, more zines


i need no heroes...i cut my own path in life... no gods, no masters, self sufficience and comraderie/solidarity will do....

My Blog

state repression in France

*Just thought i'd post this information for y'all to mull over, the same stuff is happening the world over, try to stand up and they try to tear you down, try to live, they'll try to to kill you. Even...
Posted by candydagger on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 05:38:00 PST


Know before you read on, this is just an update on a few of the things i've been up to, and i left out all the really good stuff, hahahaha!It's really wet out there. Weather conducive to claustrophobi...
Posted by candydagger on Sun, 25 May 2008 11:04:00 PST

IN AUCKLAND? into social and political participation?

This is Tomorrow!Please forward widelyEvent starts 1pm, Saturday 9th Feb. Kiwi Esplanade, Wellesley Road, MangereBridge.Bring tino rangatiratanga flags, banners, placards and friends.Say NO to Orpheus...
Posted by candydagger on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 05:32:00 PST

where i’m at

i've been off having crazy adventures up and down the north island for the last few months, and now, i am moving to wellington...hmmm. cant be bothered writing about crazy adventures just now, more to...
Posted by candydagger on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:48:00 PST

we are not free...

as some of you may be aware, some of my friends are currently incarcerated and stand accused of a few things (most of what is happening relating to this, including their names is actually being suppre...
Posted by candydagger on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 02:10:00 PST

cranky ramblings?

coming back to auckland was interesting.....after looking forward to being home and then getting back after a return hitch-hiking mission i found auckland....warmer....which was nice. then i got out i...
Posted by candydagger on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 06:14:00 PST

stuff stuff stuff!

i have'nt bothered to blog in quite a while as you could see if you bothered to look.....i went to The Cure in Auckland a little while back after a ridiculous ordeal to aquire tickets long since paid ...
Posted by candydagger on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 06:23:00 PST


Why would you be at work when you could be at this?!?!!!!!bring some fun stuff to play around with,such as sidewalk chalk, fire pois and such toys, signs/banners, music making objects etc, people (of ...
Posted by candydagger on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 04:55:00 PST

September 11 2007 Auckland action!!!!

LETS ALL GET TOGETHER FOR A NICE STROLL TO THE AMERICAN CONSULATEi'm going towhy?....i want a world where WE ALL HAVE our NEEDS met.... and i know we already could have.........because you and me and ...
Posted by candydagger on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 03:20:00 PST

Want free food? Live in Auckland?

Recently we've been dumpster diving around Auckland. We often come away with an excess of food, and alot of food we won't eat as our diets are Vegan, Gluten free, etc etc.So we end up with spare cans...
Posted by candydagger on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:50:00 PST