so so many. my loves: the beach, making jewelry, bicycling, long chiily nights in tents, lazy summer days in the park, coffee shops, music, art, art, art, especially photography and film, going to movies by myself in the middle of the day, a nice glass of sancere, yummy gooey triple cream cow cheese, reading (good books), hiking, chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing, godard,anna karina, bardot, jane birkin, my cat sailor, all animals except opossums and pigeons (except for the one on 2nd st with a missing foot), etc...... oh and i forgot - cowboys, i really have a thing for aging cowboys,img src="" alt="" /
cool interesting people for friendship. i like people in my life who inspire me and have interesting things to say. i have eliminated the toxic people from my life and now i really just like to keep it real. change inspires me, new people excite me and good friends keep me smiling. i love having people in my life who like going to see bands, enjoy going to new restaurants and enjoy the occasional glass of vino. be good people, talk to strangers and don't be afraid to laugh. its good for you. i want to be their friend
old days in ohio - the fall, gun club, sebadoh. early days in nyc - built to spill, archers of loaf (mr bachman, your voice still gets me, modest mouse. tomorrow in sf - radiohead , wolf parade, nick drake, strokes, cat power, neko case, death cab, iron and wine, bad 60s french pop i really heart thom yorke
godard, stan brakhage,kubrick, david lynch, wes anderson favorite movies ever: cinema paradiso, blue velvet, masculine/feminine, the life aquatic, lost in translation anything with bill murray ,, , the most beautiful movie ever. brakhage's super8 of the birth of his baby
bad bad bad. deadwood- i miss it so much, too much national geog, and the newest of all my silly addictions - lost and greys anatomy. did mr locke super sexy after the plane crash or what?
a lot of non-fiction, diane ackerman, pema chödrön, e.annie proulx, jd salinger, isabel allende, garcia marquez
i have to think more about this one got it - my 12 yr old cat, sailor. the most patient, loving and devoted creature i'll ever know. and one bad ass motherfu... we've come a long way baby.