I am A HUGE ANGELS FAN!!!!! SO....... It was an Interesting season, BUT it's like every season untill '02 WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR!!! I'll miss Tim SalmonI am 95% Punk Rock.
. I am PUNK AS FUCK! The model punk. I care not for anything. I kick ass, but probably smell really bad. Take the
Punk Rock Test
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You are heroin. You are among the greatest of
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I'd like to meet:
ELVIS I know he's still out there man!
Elvis, KISS!, X, old social D,Tom Jones, the Partridge Family, DEVO, Waxapples, The cadillac Tramps,Rocket From The Crypt, Brass Knukle Voodoo, Luxurious Adults, Bar Room heroes, The Cramps, THE SONICS! any good old school Punk shit like, buzzcocks, stranglers,T.S.O.L., JFA, shattered Faith, 999, anti-nowhere League,... GOOD Rockabilly Like, Duane Eddy, Eddie Cochoran, Robert Gordon, amazing crowns.The Rev, Lee Rocker, Stray cats, Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly...and Of course THE GRACELAND MAFIA...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Idolmaker, animal house, resevoir dogs, Diner, It's a wonderful life, Princess bride, Ladyhawke, Xanadu, Rocky horror, Romeo and juliet (baz Luhrman) Moulin Rouge, All the Star wars movies, all the star trek movies, ( I know I'm a geek!) all the monty python movies....well thats one shelf of my DVD's
If you are Looking for some spiritual answers or even more questions I
suggest the following:--------------------------------------------------
River of Fire/River of Water, Taitetsu Unno,
Shin Buddhism, Bits of Rubble Turn Into Gold, Taitetsu Unno,
Tanisho, Translation By Taitetsu Unno,
Buddha Of Infinate Light, D. T. Suzuki,
Naturalness, Kenryo Kanamatsu,
Tariki (embraceing dispair, discovering Peace), Hiroyuki Itsuki,
The Collected works of Shinran, Jodo Press,
plus alot more if your interested just ask me---------------------------------------for fun I read:-------------------------------------------------------
Dean Koontz, Stephen King, James Lee Burke, Tom Clancy, Ken Follett, elmore leonard, Perter Straub, Trevanian, John Irving, Tom wolfe, Dale Brown, plus many more
Bill wilson, Dr Bob, Hunter S. Thompson, Shinran Shonin, Renyo Shonin, and the 7 Pure Land Buddhist masters, men who changed the world without picking up a gun in the name of GOD.oh and of course, Jimbo