Looks like I need something to keep me put of trouble and right now its ROLLER DERBY baby!! Thats right, Im skating with the Orange County Roller Girls. I guess 3 years of skating figures over 10 years ago has paid off. So if im not at work, hanging out with the GLM, than i'll probably be at the rink getting a new bruise of two. Check it out!! Also adopt your pet from a shelter, spay/neuter them, and remember you are making a commitment for the life of the animal to love and care for them.
coco in doggy heaven.
Neil Diamond, Billy Joel, INXS, Madonna, real 80's music, not the crap that a 20 something year old radio station program director thinks is 80s. I like all kinds of music. With all the years I studied dance, I hear music as movement, so I love anything with a great beat. Oh, and the Graceland Mafia is worth checking out. The lead singer, Melvis, tickles my fancy...
The Idol Maker, Chicago, Moulan Rouge, Farris Buehlers Day Off, Silverado, The Full Monty, About a Boy, Shawshank Redemption, The Last Samumri, Fargo, Love Actually,... and of course...Xanadu...
Deadwood, Criminal Minds, Cold Case Files, Top Chef, Animal Cops, I Love the 80's.
Stephen King, Anne Rice, Rubble into Gold and River of Fire, Shin Buddist texts, Gardening, Wild Birds.
Catherine Hepburn and my Mom