It was in the middle of the night,
Feb. 16, 1977, Vanessa Huff in & Puffin screaming
her first born was ready to emerge into the land of Brooklyn.
"Hes commin" she screamed,
the hospital shook lights blinking off and on
Doctors try to keep their balance.
I wasnt ready I had to finish writing my first poem,
Doctors in awe because when mommys water broke and
traces of black ink stained the floor.
What is this?
I I think... I think its ink sir Call in Dr.Langston Huges,
we have a poet here!
"Wheres the father?"
Dr. Hughes shouted as he entered the room putting on rubber gloves,
"The bastards probably out shooting pool" my mother cried.
Dr. Angelou wiped the sweat from young Vanessas forehead
quoting lines from I Rise in her 15 year old ear.
The first poem I ever wrote, was thanking my mother for not aborting me.
When I recited it to her, every line was a contraction,
as I finished the last line, young Vanessa let out a scream.
O.K Im ready,
I came into the world crying into Dr. Hughes's hands
Holding an untitled poem and her name
already tatooed across my stomach.