I love my wife, kids, and the Lord. I like to hit the Bricks (weightlifting) and get my swole on!! Internet marketing, investing, and sharing Ideas and business opportunities! I'm a go getter self motivated and have an unwavering tenacity for success! It's in my blood!http://4Kids.edcgold.com/.. Myspace Layout Generator-Layoutgen.com
..No more normalcy. This is the time to rise up christian soldier. Get God in your life now be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Let him fortify you and be your sheild and buckler. Let his Glory arise in your inward parts to the filling of your very soul. Say Yes children Say yes to God Say yes to Jesus and obey his perfect will.
It is his way for you it is his will to you to give you an expected end and bless you with peace, Greater things than these shall you do. God is among and within us and about us. Hes waiting for that yeilded will that will take on the service in which his call it forth from the birth of his conception. LET THE GLORY OF OUR God rise up in us and shine about us. That we his childrEN MAY SAY YES TO GOD OUR CREATOR. LET US BLESS HIS NAME FOR ALL OF HIS GOODNESS, ALL OF HIS KINDNESS, AND THE MANY MANY MERCYS THAT HE HAS GIVEN US. LORD I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU'VE DONE FOR ME. JESUS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAVING ME. HELP ME TO KEEP MY MIND STAYED ON YOU. I ASK YOUR FORGIVENESS 'LORD WHEN I'M WRONG. I PRAY THAT YOU WOULD PICK ME UP MAKE ME WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THAT I MAY FULFIL THE LORD'S WILL IN THESE END TIMES. Thank you lord I bless you Jesus