**$UCCE$$** profile picture


Your Playing $mall Doe$ Not $erve The World.. You Were Born To Create, To Add Value To The World And

About Me

Would you agree that Money i$ important? Would you agree that although Money i$ not "EVERYTHING", it i$ a nece$$ity and without it or when it i$ lacking, unhappine$$ and hard time$ are right around the corner? Time$ are changing. The world i$ changing. Pay attention.. Many people are realizing that their financial $ituation will not allow them and their familie$ to live the life that they expected & de$erve. Mo$t, if not all people would agree that TIME i$ their mo$t important a$$et. We are all getting older, there i$ no way around it. Are you $pending YOUR time the way YOU want? Are you doing the thing$ that matter mo$t to you? Do you get to travel? $pend time with your family? $leep a$ long a$ you want? Doe$ your life revolve around the clock, making appointment$, being $omewhere at a certain time (everyday), or do you have the flexibility in your $chedule to do what you want, when you want, where you want, no que$tion$ a$ked?Have you accepted that your life ha$ been fulfilled to it$ fulle$t extent and there i$ nothing more you can do to improve it? Or do you KNOW there i$ $o much more you can do, and want to do, but you ju$t need direction, $upport and the "right opportunity" to come your way? What if you were introduced to an opportunity $o unique and credible that it could be documented, validated and proven to have freed individual$ like your$elf from the modern day $lavery of a 9-5, 7-11 or 12-8? Would you $ay "enough i$ enough" and find out how you could participate and take advantage of it? Or would you allow negativity, $keptici$m and doubt in your own abilitie$ $tand in your way of achieving your dream$ and living the life you want? DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT?


My Interests


I'd like to meet:

The Donald


Myspace Quotes ..




Think & Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill Warren Buffet $peak$- Janet Lowe Rich Dad, Poor Dad- Robert Kiyosaki Million Dollar Habit$- Brian Tracy The Power of Full Engagement- Tony Schwartz & Jim Loehr Succeed & Grow Rich through Persuasion- Napoleon Hill Secrets of the Millionaire Mind- T. Harv Eker


..Everyone who ha$ the be$t intere$t of the entire world at heart***