Tommy profile picture



About Me

i bartend at the poor house, i try to hide on the weekends, i walk my dog, i love my big bootied cuban and really like bicycles.You have been marked on my profile map!

make your own map at:

My Interests

not really all that interested.


all the movies that start with an ugly chic and then someone makes a bet and then somehow no one realized how hot she was until she takes her glasses off and then pow shes awesome and we all learn a life lesson p.s. i love run on sentences and have no time for punctuation


was a great band


are heavy


steve and kingsley zissou, esteban dufontier

My Blog

scary picture.....

Everybody, I am O.K. now but, I had a serious Staph infection AKA Cellulitis. I got it from kayaking with a scratch on my elbow.
Posted by Tommy on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 04:34:00 PST