James Who?_He's a Writer profile picture

James Who?_He's a Writer

Sou um autómato e tenho capacidades de autómato, minha única característica humana é que posso

About Me

ello ello. i am a twenty-four year old writer from scotland, currently residing in a quaint little village upon a hill - i'd love to say more, but being a celebrity, disclosing any further details would welcome such annoyances as a stalker or dare i say it......................a lover. yes, i cannot afford to take on any such distraction. i have my eye on the pie. (wink wink) please enjoy all the randomness within this myspace page by checking out my blog, picture sections and videos and invest in the dream by purchasing my books. they are very good. this i can say with a straight face. i must say goodbye for now though as i must tend to my hair. alas, it is curly which = high maintenance.JOIN_MY_F.A.N._CLUB TODAY and find yourself getting hot and bothered with L.O.V.E. Details of how to JOIN can be found in my blog section or feel free to message me for more details...check_out_my_daily_BLOG_"poetry, news and mixtapes..." Copyright © James Hugh Ferreira Shaw, 2007_for just that, exclusive looks at my poetry, celebrity news and altogether fun randomness......*** my sophomore collection of poetry; "Mixtapes and Mistakes" is available to purchase in paperback or in download form at www.lulu.com, cover design by Manos Agianniotakis, the 2001 Greek Eurovision entry who placed 7th in the competition. 'Choros agapo Robot'....................
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My Interests

Writing, Singing, Table Tennis, Lost, Heroes, Ugly Betty, Movies, Music, Trashy Television, Gigs, Vintage Tees, Skinny Jeans, Medication, Family, Dinosaurs.
adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

su_ferreira for her 'poppy riffs' are awesome, rockstars, writers, poets, models, dinosaurs.

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The Shins, Siobhan Donaghy, The Automatic, Cary Brothers, Regina Spektor, Imogen Heap, Jason Mraz, Kelly Clarkson, Death Cab for Cutie, Default, We are Scientists, Nelly Furtado, JoJo, The Cardigans, Gavin DeGraw, Howling Bells, High School Musical, Peter Bjorn & John, KT Tunstall, Michelle Branch, JC Chasez, Pink, OK Go, Su Ferreira, Beck, Justin Timberlake, Amy Winehouse, Sean Lennon, The Little Ones, Mark Ronson, Hilary Duff, Willy Mason, Maroon 5, Rihanna, Josh Pyke.

powered by frazy.com...this collection be collective, some subjective, most delicious.


Little Miss Sunshine, Brick, Tale of Two Sisters, Shopgirl, Eye and Eye 2, Dark Water, The Grudge, Old Boy, Sin City, The Life Aquatic, 21 Grams, Crash, Thirteen, Serenity......House of Flying Daggers, Requiem for a Dream, Collateral, Lord of War, Mean Girls, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Spiderman 2, Slither, Silent Hill, Lady Vengeance, Brokeback Mountain, Derailed, Deathproof, I Know Who Killed Me............The Black Dahlia, The Last Kiss, Marie Antoinette, The Science of Sleep, The Host, Pan's Labyrinth, Casino Royale, Blades of Glory, The Reaping, Spiderman 3......Transformers, Fido, Fay Grim, 30 Days of Night, High School Musical, Capote, I am Legend, Hostel 2, The Brave One...


Heroes, Lost, The OC, 24, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, Arrested Development, Brothers and Sisters, Jericho, The Apprentice, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, America's Next Top Model (cough), The Office (USA), Veronica Mars, The Comeback, Dexter, Meadowlands, The Hills, Jericho, Vanished, Alias.


Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk, Richard Laymon, Allen Ginsberg, Tim Burton, Y. Martel, Nicole Richie_SERIOUSLY; truth about diamonds..... is a damn fine read...
powered by frazy.comOh and this fella below, he's good, oh wait! That's me!! Buy my Book; "a curly haired loss, for a curly haired boy", available to purchase on paperback or download at www.lulu.com - James Hugh Ferreira Shawsave_the_writer_save_the_world and help spread the word that a new curly haired sheriff is in TOWN! and he's PACKIN... my book is available on paperback and download and will soon be available to buy at www.amazon.co.ukMy_sophomore collection of poetry entitled; Mixtapes and Mistakes has just dropped and is available to purchase from lulu.com with further suppliers to follow and follow and follow and follow and follow and follow aome more......Download_'Dance Like Robot' at www.lulu.com today. 3 new poems exclusively packaged in the run up to the release of my full collection 'Mixtapes and Mistakes'. £2.00 per download, or £5.00 for the paperback.


I have not a Hero in this world. Although, I do watch Heroes on NBC. Hmmm, now I am confused. No wait, that is fiction. Alas, I have not a Hero in this world. I do on the other hand look up to; Family, Charles Bukowski, David LaChapelle, Sufjan Stevens, Cyanide and Happiness, God. and my Left hand, he's GREAT!check_out_my_daily_BLOG_ "poetry, news and mixtapes..." Copyright © James Hugh Ferreira Shaw, 2007_for just that, exclusive looks at my poetry, celebrity news and altogether fun randomness...JOIN_MY_F.A.N._CLUB_TODAY and find yourself getting hot and bothered with L.O.V.E. Details of how to JOIN can be found in my blog section...
adopt your own virtual pet!lions_and_tigers_and_bears OH MY... or maybe just one gangster lookin tiger named latte. he is a limited edition tiger, imported from my imagination, and has been transported to this myspace page through rhymes and twisted rhythm..................You have a 66% chance of surviving a T-Rex Attack
You have an above average chance of surviving a T-Rex attack. You are able to recognize what the real dangers are as opposed to the imaginary ones. Go team!
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

My Blog

charvet aged but able (pic)

Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:03:00 PST

what i’ve learnt today...

britney took a photographer/paparazzi into the bathroom of a fast food joint two days ago to ask if he could fetch her a tampon...no further news to report. (mouth wide open agog_)...
Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:59:00 PST

my name is earl (poster)

Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:53:00 PST

what are your thoughts?

what are your thoughts? on mixtapes and mistakes ...
Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:51:00 PST

heroes (poster)

Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:50:00 PST

brave the heat and her (pic)

Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:48:00 PST

message in my inbox 2.

message in my inbox 2:another day, another message in my inbox from my new best friend; 'the anonymous tipper.'  the message reads as follows;"do me a favour mate and google the word for narcissi...
Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:52:00 PST

been sleeping with a celebrity 4.

i've been sleeping with a celebrity for little over a month now, and let me tell you there have been some damn fine highs within the last thirty days, well two to be exact, but a few too many lows, go...
Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:29:00 PST

check out mr banhart (music)

Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 11:22:00 PST

so , i’ve made you all a mixtape...

mixtapes and mistakesout on paperback/download£6.99 paperback/£3.99 downloadavailable to buy at: www.lulu.comfree preview available at www.lulu.coma collection of poetry/fiction,cover design by mano...
Posted by James Who?_He's a Writer on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 11:19:00 PST