kathleen profile picture


<font color=lime<bi love yah u lil biatch</b

About Me

♥eLLa b up in here♥hey ya`LL bitches dis be kathleen fiOness hOme sKilLit eLLa er carameL..LoL..weLL wut bout dis biatch ry hurr..she really really Really Really rEally sexay...Ol dem guys be aftah her BOOtY....she dUh iLLset nd the CoLlest cOuSiNe EvUh..gosH she Growin uP iNtO a BeAutIfUL yOuNg Ladii... ShE gRoWin Up hElLuh FaSt..i ReMeMbUh dUh Old Tyms WeN She Was JuSt a LiTto BaBy...hahaha..enaugh bout dat...WeLL..she tOtaly addicted to star bucks nd jamba juice..nd gosh she would spend ol of her money on shoppin...LOL..weLL das bout it..imma bounce♥ eLLaotay eLLa`s done wiff dis shyt nd she leavin

My Interests

music..shoppin...shoes..clothes...food...bck packs...hello kitty...gurllie stuff...ne thing i can hav fum wiff..includin boiis..LoL

I'd like to meet:

nelly...kenye west..lil romeo..bow wow...ma gurls...luda..usher...liljohn..the guy that would be ma man..LoL..ne one hue wanna hoLluh im coo wiff dat


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