Traveling, camping, biking, yoga, padres, tattoos (Mikey Slater:fav artist), beer, jager, people with substance, laughing at myself and almost everyone else, education, kids, chocolate, and not taking life too seriously.
Almost anything....
I don't like to watch scary, creepy, or really sad movies more than once. I love funny/stupid movies...adam sandler, vince vaugn, ben stiller, etc.
It comes and goes; Grey's and Meet the Barkers!!!!!!
It is hard to read anything that is not a textbook, so when I do it has to be very funny or interesting...confessions of a shopaholic.
My mom because she is strong, my best friend Ashley because she has a huge heart, my boyfriend Mikey because his talents go far beyond his own recognition, and Courtney because she eats a lot.