Mrs. G. profile picture

Mrs. G.

MySpace ? you're NEVER 2 OLD 2 have FUN ! - Pre Valentines Greetings to all xoxo ! Life is good. I'm

About Me

wishes everyone a very special Valentines Day, for all you lovers -
| |I'm very much in love with my hubby & family. I met David @ our 20 year class reunion. He looked so cute in his New York t-shirt & black Levis (cute derrier). (My attire was semiformal). He is kind, loving, compassionate. As cliche' as it may sound, he is my best friend, my lover, my husband, my soulmate. My life is blessed. Profile overkill ? Absolutely. I am proud.HOLLA ! I was born in the Philippines, but raised in America. What can I write about myself ? Well, I'm short, but scrappy, body proportionate to height. I don't have gray hair, don't be jealous, lol. I don't feel old, I certainly don't act my age either.I guess it's becuz I have kids/grandkids that keep me young. I love them all so much, sometimes I can't believe I am so lucky that they turned out so wonderful ! They were beauty pageant winners, models, honour students, a cheerleader, artistic, brag brag. | View Show | Create Your Own
Careers ? I once worked for The Oakland Trib, Wash. DC paper, Tacoma Trib, homemaker in Ky., now happily working for another major co. I am a hopeless romantic, co-dependent toward my husband, independent in my career, I surpass any tasks with excellence, I get gifts, letters and kudos from customers. I love to travel - I love England, San Francisco and DC. I love music so much it hurts & I really lUV 2 dance. In the jr high hall of fame, funneee, 4 of us "minorities" won the prestigious awards of "best dancers" -cuz we have rhythm lol. I listen to the TMan show in the morn. to get a good laugh, reminds of GreaseMan, WashDC in the 90s, 95.7 driving home or cds. I'm artistic, creative, enthusiastic & relentless in everything I pursue whether it's maintaining a near perfect beacon score or keeping peace in my sometimes dysfunctional Brady Bunch family. Turn ons: hubby in a white t-shirt, Levis, long hair guys. Interracial relationships. Turn offs: incorrect speling, oops spelling, dark, continuous, rainy days, liars, jackers (ruins the economy), rude, conceited people who think they're all that. get a life ! fake people. hypocrits. cruel people: i don't hate MEAN people that have done me wrong, I just feel they will meet their maker, contend w/their evil ways then. I love most everyone in general, I will give you the benefit of the doubt over & over. Do not push me... ...
People Envy My Compassion
Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David Jennie loves David
Myspace Contact Tables
Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

The "traveling fever is back !" next stop - Wash. DC ! for the 4th of July or somewhere new, Italy? since David's aunt has family there yahooooo ! Here are recent pics of Cali. Too little time, but we made the best of it. I love Cali, I use to live there ! I love my David and my inlaws !
| I love holidays and family/friends get togethers !Love to shop, nordies, macys, target, gottschalks!enjoy writing stories, collect antiques, sketching, sports, new cars lol, jewelry, strolling on the beach/hiking thru the mtn., costco-ing, pike place browsing, etc. w/hubby. i am crazy about decorating. lastly, use to enjoy riding my "green" dapple gray, beautiful arab gelding. ETC

I'd like to meet:

Gorgeous Kevin McKidd/hbo rome series, handsome george clooney (my son in law looks like him- no lie), cutie keanu reeves, funneee degeneres, rob schneider, adam sandler etc., chicago...& YOU ! no age discrimination/race/gender/religion etcBest friends are Vicky, Adora, Kelly and Sylvia. Many @ work - Judy, Suzanne, Keith, 2 many to list. Thanx Adora and Jim 4 the intro 2 David. (you don't need to try to sell yourself .. as someone you are not and you don't need 1-900 to find a date, TRUE LOVE COMES TO YOU...) Sylvia, don't ever forget our mochas in Des Moines, getting honked @ all the time 'cuz of u being blonde, me having long black hair lol, making the big $$$ selling yellow pages, that was a million years ago, it was ruff but fun ! Kelly, Kelly, my true empathy, long distance friend. I will always be here for ya babe ! And to all my new myspace friends hugs !

I love my family and friends !
Loving Family, True Friends !

Hubby, Love of my life

My Beautiful Baby Kat

My Just Beautiful Nice Jac

Sweet Sylvia

Morgie, oldest g'daughter

Anita, 2nd oldest g'daughter

Brazillionaire, one of my favs

Smelly Girl (pretty) one of my favs

Relaxed, happy, my ODD friend Kelly

Ooh La La - d'inlaw Laura

Niecee Pretty Michelle

Handsome Lucas, Dad of Amara

Gorgeous Doodlebug

Beautiful ANG

Shalene, Pretty like her mom !

LennyBoy, one of my favs

Alyssia, Ms Pinay Barbie

Gene, my bestest buddy

Pretty Polish Marie

Beautiful Brenda

Pretty Shelby made me laugh !

Rachelle, my 4ever WFS friend

ShuShu my Florida friend

Famous Toni from Texas !

Heather, our 4ever Maryland friend

Classy CandyLady

Pretty Vickie !

My Nef's wife sweetie Andrea :)

(Strong) Nef Rolo

Kiara, so pretty !

Steve & wife, one of my favs from UK


Ivette, so beautiful !

Mila, one of my 1st filipina friend !

Ms Eloquent Elaine from The UK

Buboy, my filipino friend

Hawaiian Beauty

Loyal ShellC

NightNurse, one of fav from UK

Lynn, hey ! friend from WA., !

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src=" s.gif"
Handsome Lucas, Dad of Amara

Gorgeous Doodlebug

Beautiful ANG

Shalene, Pretty like her mom !

LennyBoy, one of my favs

Alyssia, Ms Pinay Barbie

Gene, my bestest buddy

Pretty Polish Marie

Beautiful Brenda

Shelby made me laugh !

Rachelle, my 4ever WFS friend

ShuShu my Florida friend

The Degrees, never more Oct 06

Heather, our 4ever Maryland friend

Classy CandyLady

Pretty Vickie !

My Nef's wife sweetie Andrea :)

(Strong) Nef Rolo

Kiara, so pretty !

Steve & wife, one of my favs from UK


Ivette, so beautiful !

Mila, one of my 1st filipina friend !

Ms Eloquent Elaine from The UK

Buboy, my filipino friend

Hawaiian Beauty

Loyal ShellC

NightNurse, one of fav from UK

Lynn, hey ! friend from WA., !

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THANX COMCAST GIRL (girlfriend) ! Watch this video ! These Cereal Asian Dudes with cereal are GREAT! HILARIOUS !!! With your mouse click the following.... Watch cereal videos on U Tubechicago, of course, i was in band - duh. i play the drums and piano ....but anything that is pleeezin' to the ear, from rock to hiphop to jazz to alternative to classical, dance, country, oldies, goodies, top 20 not top 20 int'l, etc. I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH IT HURTS !


oh too much to list. hubby is a movie buff. enjoy sitting in a "dark, empty" theatre, cozy with hubby, sharing popcorn or nachos with pop.


SAVE THE CHEERLEADER. SAVE THE WORLD..."Heroes" OMG Dexter, Rome, Carnivale, Lost-luv sawyer's dimples, medium, ghost whisperer, hubby likes jennifer love hewitt, ellen degeneres, news, today show, intelligent, asian/caucasian ann curry, matt lauer, al roker, close 2 home, #s, oldies: soap, barney miller, taxi, robin wms/jonathan winters, on demand/ppview


love stories! mags @ the dr's ofc lol. Brain reading: anthropology, history, etc.


| My strong, brilliant, kind father (RIP '93) Dad served in The US Army, Death March of Bataan/The Korean War. My sweet, loving 84 yr. old mom who makes our lives exceptionally happy. My mother-in-law and MY KIDS and G'KIDS and of course, HUBBY !!!- We must never ever forget our men & women in The Military keeping our lives safe & free, KUDOs !OTHER HEROES ? KAT who kept me sane after my 17 yr marriage w/her dad went kaboom. she has been w/david & i since age 6 1/2 yrs old ! she has definitely seen it & been thru it & Aiden, miracle 3 lb. g'babe....

My Blog

what the heck is wrong with me ?

i have been sick on and off since new years eve. airborne saved my life new years, i was able to dance BUT i'ts like i have a frikkin' sore throat every morning, my voice is a wierd octave, sometimes ...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:48:00 PST

DANG, it's 12 am !!!!

hi folks. i took a nap with baby aiden today so obviously i am still awake, awake, awake, yawning, but awake !   i've got these worse headache also. anywaz, just wanted to know how man...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 12:04:00 PST

my profile site - again

yup folks, i am  -a-changing my site again. trying to find more pics - blast from the past pics..... i'll be postin' them as fast as i can....gotta crop 'em etc ! went to a baby shower today...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:37:00 PST

Rocky Balboa - Sly Stallone - "hey adrian "

David and I went to see "Rocky" the other day. It had a lot of "profound" significance and speeches if you can understand the intended philly accent. Not an academy award winning s...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:01:00 PST


i promise. no more icky blogs. hopefully, no more "dysfunctional dramas" - i am an adult BUT i was suppressed so long, it felt good to let some of it out, trust me, i have much, much more, but i don't...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 06:35:00 PST

okay okay anther blog

hey peeps. i know it's another blog. but ya know, when i was kid i did have a journal and in jr high/high school, even college, if i was worried or excited whatever - i would write to myself as a...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 09:10:00 PST


well, we celebrated david's b-day @ ter's house. got nice gifts. he ate a lot of tacos, that's what he req'd. his mom made him swiss steak/salmon for his real b-day dinner on the 17th...a lot of love ...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 12:21:00 PST

T - I - R - E - D

yup, tired, but dang, can't sleep. again. mom in law came over and had din din. i was a lump on the log and stayed in bed, falling asleep. but now i am kinda wide awake. but tired. i wish there was a ...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 10:06:00 PST


yup, went to dinner @ my in laws. gonna celebrate his b-day this wknd ! SURE LOVE MY HUBBY ! don't have time to post pics, but maybe next time. GOTTA GET TO BED..... luv ya everyone !...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:02:00 PST

cooooooold cali (california)

wow. it was bittersweet being back in cali.  i loved it when i lived there for four years with my ex of 17 yrs. we travelled a lot, being adventurous together. this brought me back my "...
Posted by Mrs. G. on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 08:06:00 PST