SimpleDesign is a 3-Piece alternate rock band From the South West of England. They have been together for three years, writing and performing there own material (
bio in progress)performing their own material. The band has recently completed a four track EP under the direction of producer Paul Reeve (Muse,Razorlight) which is due to be released in july the 9th.Check this site for news on up coming gigs, events and future plans. Thanks everyone!!
Owen Burgess (20 yrs old) ; vocals, lead guitar
Albert Furmage (17 yrs old) ; drums, backing vocals
Alex Furmage (18yrs old) ; bass guitar
For more info please phone: 07756516628
That is when you know everything is fine without you, takemy other hand, it's easy to forget how far we've come in the long run, gone in the long run, home...