First and foremost friends, ABBA fans and like minded people. (Please note if your profile is set to private your request will be denied because I prefer to read about new friends before clicking that button.)
Health and loving life is a number one priority. Make the most of it while you can because you never know what's round the corner .... Take every oportunity that comes your way you never know where it may lead. Things do happen for a reason .... but I haven't quite figured out what it is yet. If you know what the reason is please let me know!
In the meantime meet some people with whom I've had the opportunity to chat with. The famous and not so famous. Some are family, some are friends, some are work colleagues and one or two are people I have wanted to meet.
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THE ABBA NEWS SERVICE HAS 877 FRIENDS whose IDs are protected unless they leave comments and that is staying as public domain.